Chapter 21: The World Must Know (Part 3)

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  I was running, following the cry of someone who I considered my parent. He was like a dad I never had, or was that Aizawa's job? I didn't care that the air was freezing cold, probably created by a villain's quirk, all I needed is to see if the hero was ok.

 I heard  footsteps of someone running, the same direction as the black blob, which could be seen through the smoke, or fog,or dirt.. who knew what the actual fuck this was. 

The more I ran, the more it felt like I was in Antarctica. My nose became red as my fingers froze. For some reason, it was harder to move and that is when I saw how the black blob was moving as if nothing was wrong. As if I was the only one suffering..

Was I shot by a quirk..?

I thought to myself, as the feeling of being frozen over became more "visible". What if I died there without doing anything? I didn't help or do something in this mission.. I am a failure..

I'm sorry Shinso.

I'm sorry Nezu

I'm sorry Aizawa

And Yamada..I'm so sorry too..

I tried to move, hearing a tiny bit of another person's yell, but my body was heavy. And that it when the eyelids became too. As I silently closed my eyes...


Warmth filled my body, as I could finally hear what was happening around me.

"Wake the fuck up villain" a familiar voice could be hear, as I finally opened my eyes to see..

"Endevour?!" I said, as my voice was still dry.

"You should not talk yet, kid. Aizawa mentioned for you to stay, if I was here late, you would be dead."

"I think I remember seeing my memories flash by."

"so funny" the man grumbled as he placed me on the ground. 

I could finally move!

"What happened with the nomu's?"

"Some were holograms, others were real, but the reals.. probably 3 of them. Two were weak, one with a pink helmet had powers, so that one was harder to take out."

I looked horrified at him..did he..did he kill her?!

"I didn't kill anyone. They were taken, as Nezu requested. And by nezu's request I was sent to look for you."

"How is Yama-"

"No more time to talk, there is a war going on dumb shit."

I nodded, getting my webs heated up so that I can continue to move around freely.

I motioned my hands as spiderman does, and quickly moved to the top of the roof. I turned on my goggles, zooming in on the school to only notice that what I thought was horrible before, was not that bad at all.

Shit, I sleep, stay, and everyone is getting hurt!

Yamada was being put into the ambulance, due to his leg being ripped off. That was probably why he was screaming with such a painful tune. Aizawa was being treated by recovery girl. Nezu sat in his van, which he probably fixed by now. Midnight was still patroling in the back of the school. Turns out that whoever bakugou beat, was actually twice's quirk. Toga was still roaming around the school. On the top of one of the school's bridges stood shigaraki, holding bakugou over the edge. 

"What is it that you want Villain?" Nezu said from his van's speakers.

"I don't really need much, no.. just a kid. A vigilante to be correct."

Vigilante Rojo (DADZAWA AND DADMIC)Where stories live. Discover now