Chapter 12: Why

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It has been a couple of days since I passed out. Recovery girl easily healed my back, causing me to get out earlier. At the aparment, I was greeted by a sad, but proud Shinso. Aizawa patted my head and Mic gave me a hug, after which I left to rest. My vigilante work still continued, and every time Shittyzawa tried to follow me back home, he always lost me. Sooner I started earning money from some of the patrols I did. Aizawa always gave me those less dangerous jobs, knowing that I'm a kid (by me, I mean Rojo, duh). So I really had nothing to worry about. But today.. today was the day I would recieved my letter and see if I got into UA. 

  I heard intense knocking on my door, which woke me up right away. At freaking 6 am on a Sunday. A SUNDAY. 

"I'm coming.."


I opened the door and saw the one and only Shinso standing there. Blue right away sat on my best friend's shoulder and snuggled there. Traitor..

"What do you want from meee at 6 freaking ammm~"

"Yes, I know that you fell asleep 30 minutes ago, but I didn't. SO SHUT UP BECAUSE THE UA LETTERS ARE HERE!" 


"yep little listener! I just gave them to Shinso!" Said Present Mic, who suddenly came through the the elevator on our floor. 

"I will go wake up Aizawa, come one in."

"Oh thank you." 

Inside, Shinso quickly made everyone coffee, mine with caramel, and we all sat on the couch. Not soon after, a tired yellow catapillar crawled out and loud blonde Mic kicked him down the stairs. 



"Wait, arghhh, fine."

Aizawa opened the bag to reveal himself in his pajamas. He soon sat right next to me and we all waited.

"Sooo.. I woke up for something right?"

"Oh! Sorry dad."

Shinso quickly ripped his  package. Once he opened it, there was a map, UA uniform, already informing he made it in, and a cirlce.


"Press this dumb dumb" I said, pressing the button.

"Congratulations, Shinso." Said Nezu.

"As you probably already guessed, you have been accepted to UA. don't worry, your father's were really proud of you and still are. One was literally crying on the spot"


"Mr.Yamada is probably denying it right now. Anyways! At the test, you earned EXACTLY 27 points, making you pass the test. All the other information you can find on the map, and the letter! SEE YOU TOMORROW!"


"But I'm not going if Izuku didn't."

"Wait what?"

"Come on open it!"

I grabbed the pair of scissors, cutting open the box. But inside was nothing...


"Is this a prank?"

"I'm sorry Zuzu.."

I then noticed that on the inside, the box seemed smaller then on the outside. In that place, everything that Shinso had could fit, without anyone noticing. 

Vigilante Rojo (DADZAWA AND DADMIC)Where stories live. Discover now