Chapter 3: Change

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  Izuku woke up to the sound of his alarm clock.


"and I am now here.." Izu responded to his alarm, after slamming it harshly, not breaking it though. It was perfect. He hated Allmight, so smashing his head is something fun to do. Izuku sighed, before looking at his alarm. It was 7 am. Uhhhhh fantastic... I only slept 1 fucking hour. Arghhhh..

It was hard getting out of the soft, warm present Mic themed blanket and the still cold black pillow, but I had to to school. I had a test today, that is why I get an hour off before I go to work. It was raining outside, which was just.. just..! Perfect! I didn't feel like I wanted to leave, even though I was in this shit hole I call my own home. Fuuuuuccckkk~

It took some convincing before the getting up. I got dressed in my old, dirty, but wet black uniform. My shoes were ripped from Ka- Bakugo's explosions. I just hate it.. while I was dressing I mumbled a song that I loved to sing... 

"it's raining.. it's pouring.. my eyes.. oh they're storming.."

During singing, I was already leaving, fully dressed and ready.. before heading out, I looked once again at my bed:

"And I don't want to leave this bed.."

Walking down the empty street. The rain was now no longer a shower, but a waterfall. I was speaking wet.

"It's raining.. it's pouring.."

Then it hit me, did I have around an hour left? 

"It's 8 in the morning.. "


My walk turned into a run. I ran and I ran. It was so slippery, but I no longer cared. If I didn't get the test done, ohh what kind of a beating would I get.. the rain was tapping, my feet were splashing, the clothes were cold, and air wasn't warm either. I wish I had an umbrella.. I stopped running to walk and rest for a while, before I could run again. Around me were cars. Red, white, black, coffee brown.. inside the red car was a son with his father, laughing.. 

No, I can't cry right now!

"a..and I don't want to cry..."

But of course, through this rain, tears began pouring as well. I was wet. I was soaking wet.. 

"But I need you here cuz I'm a mess..."

The crying continued. I was already 30 minutes into the run. I just had 30 minutes left, and that is the amount of time it took me to run. 

"Fuck.. why does my life have to be like that.." I cried out. It was now just me walking. I am already going to be late, so what is the point in rushing.. the warm tears at least kept me warm from this cold weather. I feel like I will soon catch a cold.. 


I heard a familiar voice behind me. When I looked back, there was a black car. The car had a male inside of it. The male had blonde hair and seemed really worried. Before I could say anything, my body let out a sneeze, which made the man park his car and run over to me. 

"Jeezus you are soaking wet.. come on, get in the car.."

I didn't have any choice but to follow this man, who I now recognized as present Mic. 

I hated ruining this hero's car, but he was insisting and I didn't really have a choice. I got in and sat on a towel that was placed there just for me. Someone then threw a blanket over me, that man was sitting next to the driver. After all of this, Yamada sat in his car and began driving. 

Vigilante Rojo (DADZAWA AND DADMIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant