Chapter 22: The World Must Know (part 4)

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 Switching things up! 3rd POV:

  Shigaraki was standing on a house, but it wasn't just a normal house. This building was split in half. Everything inside could be seen, and the smell was horrible. The home was filled with the auroma of blood and whiskey, or maybe beer? Just liquor is all it was,and the smell was so strong you could practically taste the air. 

  Anyone could hear Shigaraki's breaths and Hizashi's whimpers all the way from another roof top.. it was that quiet.  Mic had his mouth ductaped, as he was being held upon the edge towards a falling death. 

  It was no surprise that Tomura used Yamada instead of Aizawa, as for the fact that he was the caring, loving, and the kindest human in the family. The only one who wasn't depressed, but he probably will now be traumatized after this event. The poor hero no longer had a leg, and if Izuku didn't hurry, his life would end, just like Midnight's.. just like his leg's... .


Screamed shigaraki, as Izuku popped out of nowhere, almost hitting the villain in the face. Tomura dodged, letting go off Hizashi. the hero was now falling to his death, but he was glad that at least he got a glimpse of his son before that happened. 

  But Deku reacted right away, swinging using one of the metals poles around and catching the hero, placing him on the rooftop he came from. He then got back into his fighting position, ready to beat shiggy's ass. (ok I am here WHEEZING my ass off. Auto damn correct decided that deku was ready to eat shiggy's ass off like WTF XD )

"It's such a shame you will die today.. brother.." the villain laughed, as the sound of his evil voice was echoing through the halls and walls. 

Deku looked at the villain, straight in his blood thirsty red eyes. Anger rushed through the vigilante's  blood, as he clenched his fists.

"you are no brother to me.." The greenette said, as he jumped up, causing a dirt fog. He then, out of nowhere, kicking  the villain straight in his ego, hiding back again in the dust. 

"Ohhhh...that hurt brother.. 


but father kicked harder." Shiggy yelled, reappearing from behind, kicking Izuku in the head. The vigilante regains his balance, and flipped once again into his fighting position, ready to continue this bloody battle,or probably war. 

" I love how you haven't realized where you are yet. Brother. I'm gonna give you 60 seconds to look around-"

"Why should I trust you.."

"You don't have to if you don't want to~

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.-" 

Izuku look to see the room he was in, using this time to find a weapon. But turns out that there wasn't just one or two weapons here... There were so many and all so similair.. 


The memories rushed through Izuku's head, as he could hear the villain laughing from behind. This place is not as random as he though..this place was the place he once considered his..


He could no longer move or hear anything around him. The memories which were just in his head formed right infront of him. It was like he was reliving his so long ago pain and trauma.. every hit felt so real.


He heard, as the figure continued punching him. The vigilante's mask flew off, and you could finally see how bloody his face was. It was full of new bruises, and the red blood was running like a waterfall through his nose. 

  The punches Didn't stop, but instead, they grew stronger. Izuku tried to snap out of it, but there was no use to do so. He was already so deep into this shit that there was no way to get out of it now.

  He saw black spots forming, as his eyesight became blurry and he was finally coming back. But something was wierd..







the punches ..




Was he dead?

He didn't feel dead. 

" very clever for you to do so, eraser"

The vigilante's the heard, as he finally snapped back into the reality. He saw a man, no, a hobo looking man. He was very gothy. He had yellow goggles which were now disintegrated into thing dust, or air. 


"It's ok kid.. this doesn't matter right now.."

The hero said, throwing a gas bombs he picked up from Rojo, picking the  child up in his arms, and jumping on the same roof where Hizashi was once on..

But he wasn't there..

"Where is Hizashi?!"



"Don't fucking yell or we will get killed"

Izuku closed his mouth, as tears formed in his eyes.

"he is alive you little shit. He is right now with recovery girl at home."

There was a moment of silence before Izuku saw flames coming from his 'house'.

"Is that-"

"You did well kid. Allmight and Endevour will now go after them. Go rest with Nezu. There is no way you are fighting with two broken arms."

He looked down to see a disintegrated arm and one that was bruised so horribly. How did this happen..

"You did well.. go rest.."


"..dont.. don't worry about me. Midnight will soon come and you will all go.. just.." he looked at The greenette once again, this time he sounded so angry but so sad.. "go."

Izuku was about to tell him what happened, but the hero jumped away. Tears formed in Izuku's eyes. "I'm so sorry Aizawa.." 

He said.

"I'm so so sorry.." 

"What are you sorry bout?" A familiar animal spoke.


Izuku was just about to explain, so many things happened in so little time, but his voice was so broken as nothing came out from his mouth but whimpers. His eyes were puffy and tears were pouring. 

" Oh dear-" 

The principal said, rushing to the kid as he began hugging him. This felt like a long silence, but it wasn't. Sooner or later the fire stopped as endevour and allmight raised their fists. It was for sure known to everyone..

That the fight..

Was finally over..


Was it? 

Author-chan: this is technically the end. But there will be an aftermath chapter and a bonus one, so get ready for that! LY!!

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