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I slip my phone into my pocket and board the plane

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I slip my phone into my pocket and board the plane. When a guy walked over and sits next to me I swear I think God is punishing me.

He was so hot and tatted up just the way I like them. He smiled and cleared his throat... "This seat taken?"

"No, be my guest," I said.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on the flight. I've never been on a plane and I'm scared.

"First time flying?" He leaned over and asked.

"Is it noticeable?" I laugh.

"Oh yeah your face is pale and you are squeezing that armrest off." He laughed.

"Sorry I'm scared shitless and I don't scare easily," I said.

"I'm Jacoby by the way." He said.


"Nice to meet you, Morgan. You sure have a lot of cool-looking tattoos." He said.

"Thanks so do you," I said.

"So I would ask what you do but I'm going to guess and say that you are an artist." He smiled.

"You would be correct. I'm a tattoo artist." I smile over at him.

"Oh wow, that's awesome! I met a tattoo artist one time from Myrtle and he did a tattoo for me." He said raising up his shirt showing me his forearm and I knew right away my dad did it.

"Kash Ryan do it?" I smirk.

"How would you know?" He asked looking shocked.

"I'm Morgan Ryan. Kash is my dad." I smile.

"Oh wow I have been trying to get in to see you I wanted a tat." He said.

"Did you make an appointment? I am kinda booked but sometimes I fit people in."

"I tried but the guy told me that you were booked solid."

"That doesn't sound right. I am booked but my mom is who always books the appointments. Here take my number and text me when you are back in town and I'll fit you in." I said.

He hands me his phone and I put Morgan Tats and my number and hand it back.

"Wow, I appreciate that. So what's got you on this plane?"

"My boyfriend and his sister were in a bad car accident in Texas and I'm heading there to see them," I said.

"Are they ok?" He asked.

"My boyfriend has cracked ribs but his sister is in ICU with bleeding and swelling on the brain," I said.

"Man, that sucks. I really hate to hear that Morgan."

"Thanks, Jacoby! I jumped on the plane without thinking and have other artists taking my clients." I sighed.

"They will be ok and look at you. You're not as pale and we are about to land." He smiled.

"Oh fuck I'm more scared about landing." I laugh.

"Hold my hand and you will be ok." He said reaching over for my hand and I didn't give it a second thought before I grabbed his hand and about squeezed it off.

Once off the plane Jacoby gave me his phone number and I told him to text me about the tattoo and I thanked him for what he did on the plane.

I rented my car and was on my way to see Trace. I knew it wouldn't be long according to the GPS.

I pulled up to this cute little house that was at the end of a dead-end road and parked. I couldn't wait to see Trace. I didn't get my luggage or anything just my backpack.

I walked up to the door and knocked and when he opened it and realized it was me he had the biggest smile on his face. I wanted to squeeze him tight but I didn't want to hurt his ribs.

He opened the door and pulled me inside and his lips were on mine fast. Even though I was in a weird state I felt at home in Trace's arms.

"God I have missed you!" He said kissing my face and lips again.

"I missed you too Trace." I smiled as he pulled me on into the house.

"Trace let the girl in so I can see her beautiful face." A woman said.

"Sorry, mom I just missed Morgan." He said.

"I can see that son. Come on over here Morgan let me get a look at you." Carly said.

"Hi, Carly it's nice to meet you," I said.

"Give me a hug don't be a stranger." She smiled at me.

I hugged her gently because I didn't want to hurt her then Trace lead me over to the couch.

"I need to text mom to let her know that I made it," I said pulling out my phone.

I texted her and let her know and then asked Trace if I could have a drink of water.

"Sure sorry, I wasn't thinking." He said.

When he went out of the room Carly turned to me. "Honey I'm so glad your here even though it's terrible circumstances he needs you right now."

"I need him as well and have really missed him." I smile.

Trace comes back and sits beside me. "So how was your flight?"

"Scary! Thankfully the guy sitting next to me talked my ear off and dad had tattooed him and he had been trying to get in with me but didn't know he was talking to me. And even though I know you won't like it when we landed I held his hand tight because I was scared." I said.

"I'm glad that he helped you but that better be all Morgan," he said.

"We exchanged numbers so I can tattoo him but that's it I promise. I talked about you and that's why I was coming here." I smile at him.

He wraps his arm around me and kisses the side of my head. "Well, I'm glad your here and didn't bring the guy." He laughed.

"Hey, I wouldn't do that. What can I do for either of you? Do you want to go check on Jessa?" I asked.

"I called and she's the same. We will go back in the morning if you don't mind." He said.

"Sounds good! I'm tired." I yawn.

"Then let me show you our bedroom." He smirked.

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