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I was nervous all day once I knew that Navy knew but she was cool

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I was nervous all day once I knew that Navy knew but she was cool. It was even more awesome Morgan let me tattoo one of her clients and let me keep the money from it.

We decided to order Chinese and since I had a coffee table eat at my place and unpack my living room and then move over to hers.

She knocked on my door fifteen minutes later with her hair pulled up into a ponytail. "Come on in. The food hasn't made it yet so I was trying to figure out which box goes where."

"I don't have many living room items but apparently my grandparents have stuff for me but they haven't brought it by yet." She said.

"How did you sleep last night in a weird place?" I asked.

"It was different. I took a shower and slept naked for the first time." She laughed.

"Great now that picture is in my head." I laughed just as the doorbell rang.

I tipped the guy and took the food bag and went over to the couch and sit down. Morgan grabbed a couple of bottles of water and sit down beside me.

When our thighs touched a spark went through me. My mom used to talk about that spark and when you find it you better hold onto it but how can you tame a free bird?

"Thanks for the food Trace. I would be glad to pay you for my half." She said.

"No way I wouldn't ask you to eat with me and then make you pay that's absurd," I said.

"A girl can get used to this but I hate to do this unpacking every night." She laughed.

I looked over at her... "Well, we won't be unpacking forever.

"Well that is true and I don't have near as much as you but I will still help you. Have you talked to your mom or sister any?" She asked.

"My mom she called this morning before I saw you in the hallway. She misses me of course and well she's a good woman and I worry about her but she wanted me to fulfill my dreams."

"What is her name?" Morgan asked.

"Carly and she's the sweetest woman you will ever meet."

"Are you a mamas boy then?" She smirked.

"Some may think that but I just worry about her and want to take care of her," I said.

"Can I ask what is wrong with her?"

"She just went into remission but she had lung cancer but she's still really sick and recovering from surgery. My sister Jessa is staying with her for now."

"I'm glad that she's in remission. Did she smoke?" She asked.

"In her younger years she did when I was a kid but I'd say she has been quit at least fifteen years," I said.

"Well if she ever comes here for a visit I want to meet her." She smiled eating a spring roll.

"This is some of the best Chinese I have ever eaten," I said.

"It's one of my favorites. Junie and I used to get it at least once a week." She said.

"Junie? Who's that?"

"Oh DJ's sister and our next-door neighbor. No one can believe we are friends because we are so opposite. She's most definitely a girly girl and well I'm not." She laughed.

"Does she have any tattoos?" I ask.

'Hell no! She doesn't want to dirty up her body." She laughed.

"I have a reason for all of mine but the one you saw." I smile.

"I might need a better look at it." She smirked.

"Just ask and I'll show." I smile taking my containers to the kitchen counter.

She followed behind me and walked back to the living room to a box. "So you tell me where you want this stuff."

"Books go in that bookshelf and then the little what knots I have they can go in front of them. I don't care how you put them though."

"How does a guy have what knots?" She asked.

"My grandma used to travel the world and when she would come back home she would bring me little trinkets back and well they mean a lot to me now that she's gone," I said.

"Well, I think it's cute. I secretly love little things like that even though I look tough." She giggled.

An hour later we had it all put away and she helped me to get the tv on the wall and we looked around and we are done.

"It's only 9 do you want to go work on my living room now?" She asked.

"Of course let's go," I said folding up the box and laying it on the coffee table.

I lock my door and follow her across the hall to her apartment and she had two little boxes on the floor. "Is this all you have?"

"Yeah, sad isn't it? But wait until Grandma and Grandpa come over and bring stuff." She laughed.

"Do they live around here?" I ask.

"Yeah but funny story. Ok, my Grandma Brenda is my sister Lanie's grandma. My mom was with Grandma's son and he was killed in a grocery store parking lot when mom was pregnant with Lanie and she moved here and met dad in a support group and they fell in love."

"Wow!" I said.

"So then when I came around it seemed Grandpa Julian liked Grandma Brenda and become an item and well I call her grandma but she's the only one I ever knew." She said.

"Wait where is Kash's mom?"

"Umm, she was a crack whore or so I was told all my life and she finally overdosed I think when I was three maybe. But mom never even met her."

"Wow, that's sad. I wouldn't know what to do without my mom." I said.

"Where is your dad Trace?" She asked.

"Umm, I'm not sure. He took off when mom told him she was pregnant." I shrugged.

"Well he's missing out on a great son." She said smiling at me.

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