part 64

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after y/n finished getting ready she sat on the bed putting her shoes on and she could feel kobe staring at her

Y: maybe you should take a picture
Kobe: shit i might have to
Y: this outfit is literally so basic
Kobe: basic damn that means my outfits must look like shit
Y: shut up you're just saying that to try and pillow talk me
Kobe: your definition of how guys should pillow talk is very concerning
Y: i don't like you
Kobe: mhm well earlier you seemed to like me a lot

y/n turned around looking at kobe seeing he was smiling and she rolled her eyes and finished putting on her heels then she started walking back to the bathroom until kobe grabbed her hand pulling her on him

Y: can you move so i can finish getting ready
Kobe: why you look perfectly fine
Y: ok well i want to make sure for myself
Kobe: no trust me and take my word for it you look amazing
Y: fine but can you go get dressed
Kobe: why are you so worried about this
Y: i'm not worried-
Kobe: then relax
Y: ko-
Kobe: shh

kobe kissed y/n and she rolled her eyes before kissing him back then he slowly leaned back until his back was against the bed and y/n was on top of him he was slowly lifting her dress up until there was a knock on the door so she sat up on kobe rolling her eyes and looking in that direction but all he did was sit up and started kissing her neck making her slightly smile and hold his head and he snaked his hand under her dress going all the way to her chest then he moved his hand and went to her shoulders moving her straps down until her chest was completely uncovered then once he went down kissing and licking the knock on the door grew louder so he pulled away while y/n lifted her head back up and loosened her grip on his head

Kobe: who is it
Kiya: kiya
Kobe: can you wait
Kiya: no open the damn door are y'all ready or not
Kobe: fine hold on

kobe looked at y/n irritated and rolled his eyes kissing her one more time before gently moving her while she pulled up her straps again covering herself then while kobe went to get dressed she got up opening the door seeing kiya and her boyfriend

Y: hey kiya and her boyfriend i'm sorry i don't know your name
Tre: i'm tre
Y: ok well it's nice to meet you
Tre: you too and you are
Kiya: that's y/n the one i always tell you about
Tre: oh yea your sister in law
Kiya: yea
Y: um well y'all can come in we're waiting on kobe
Kiya: as usual

y/n let out a small laugh then they all walked to the bed sitting down and after a few minutes kobe came out the bathroom fixing his watch then once he finished he went to the closet grabbing two ties and walked back to y/n

Kobe: pink or blue
Y: blue
Kobe: ok

once kobe was finally finished getting ready they all got in the car and drove to the restaurant and when they made it they walked in going to their seat ordering their food and talking then once it got there they were eating and joking around with each other laughing until kiya told everyone to be quiet for a second then she looked at y/n

Y: oh well everyone knows this now besides kobe and i thought this would be a good time as any since everyone is in a good mood but kiya and tre are together now
Kobe: very funny y/n now sit down
Kiya: kobe she's not joking
Kobe: kiya you just got out the damn hospital from a coma and you're already dating again what if the same shit happens i guess even then you expect us to be ok with this shit it's only been a month kiya we all could've lost you i could've lost you and now you're dating him
Y: kobe why are you so mad we should be happy for her
Kobe: why did you even put yourself in the middle of this
Kiya: don't get mad at her i asked her to do this for me i'm sorry
Kobe: so that means y/n doesn't know who he is
Kiya: kobe just forget it
Y: no i know he's a long time friend
Kobe: he ain't no damn long time friend he was the ex who put kiya in the hospital in the first place and i can tell from the look on your face you sure in hell didn't know that
Y: kiya
Kiya: y/n i can explain i just didn't want you to hate him without even getting to know him first
Y: so you thought lying to me was the better option
Tre: i'm sorry i never meant to hurt kiya in that accident it should've been me
Kobe: yea it sure should've

kobe got up and y/n tried to grab his hand but he snatched it away and left out the restaurant so y/n sighed and got her purse and phone standing up and hugging kiya then she saw how sad tre looked so she hugged him too

Y: we all make mistakes even ones we're not proud of i'll talk to him i promise just don't let this ruin your night go have fun or something but please don't drive
Tre: i won't thank you
Y: of course

y/n stood back up then she walked out the restaurant seeing kobe in the car with the windows rolled down smoking so she walked to the car opening the door and moving out the way so the smoke didn't hit her in the face

Y: can you come back in
Kobe: no
Y: come on kobe we were all having a good time
Kobe: yea that was until i knew they were back together


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