part 122

449 31 20

weeks past since the whole thing and today kobe came downstairs kissed y/n then the kids foreheads grabbed some fruit and walked out the door so y/n told the kids she'd be right back then she walked outside before kobe left and he turned around

Kobe: what's wrong baby
Y: don't you think it would be nice if for at least one day you'd stay for just breakfast
Kobe: i don't have time for breakfast i gotta go to this shoot
Y: yea and for the last few weeks you've had to go
Kobe: ok i don't see your point in this
Y: my point is you're not spending no time with the kids i don't even care about you spending time with me because i'm used to you being busy i'm worried about them they need you around and you're always gone then you don't come back until almost eight at night when they're already sleep
Kobe: i can't control how long my shoots last you of all people should know that they can take all day
Y: yea i do know that but i also know that sometimes i have to prioritize my children from my job and you only seem to be caring about how much money you make
Kobe: where is this coming from all of a sudden
Y: it isn't no damn all of a sudden i've been trying to have this conversation for weeks but every single time i try you push me away or you tell me how you don't have time and you drive off like i didn't even exist then you come home acting like everything's ok nothing is fucking ok
Kobe: because i don't have time to sit down and eat that's what you care about because if it's so serious i'll go eat the dumb ass breakfast
Y: it's not about the damn food kobe
Kobe: then why the fuck do you keep nagging me
Y: the kids i want you to spend time with the damn kids venus asks why you don't stay for breakfast everyday isaac wants to play with you but he can't it's gotten to the point where dior doesn't even fucking care if he sees you or not because you are never around you think you're helping them by going to work and getting whatever money it is you're getting but you're not you're not helping shit but yourself and your pockets devron jared kairi ezekiel luis and jojo are more involved in their lives then their own damn dad
Kobe: i work to take care of all of us as a whole venus doesn't need me around every damn day isaac can play with dior that's what he's there for and if dior doesn't care then teach the other two not to care as well because i'm not gonna stop working
Y: you really don't care do you i just stood here and told you that our kids our as in you helped make want to spend time with you and you still only care about that fucking job kobe fuck that job for one damn second
Kobe: if nothing else stays i know my job will because i do it i stay on time and i go when i need to we're gonna need money some day that's why i got a fucking job in the first place
Y: what do we need that you have to leave so bad the kids closet are flooded with shoes and clothes and random shit the fridge is never empty they have more toys than they can count the house is already paid for you have clothes in your closet you don't even wear and all the rings on my finger you gotten me all together cost forty thousand dollars please tell me why you need to work
Kobe: because y/n i don't fucking like being home i don't like hearing the crying every damn hour i don't like waking up early to stop it and i damn sure don't like feeling like i'm being suffocated if i'm not with you then i'm with the kids if not the kids then someone else in the damn house it's tiring after a while
Y: so your problem is me the person you wanted to marry the kids the ones you wanted to have and the other the only ones there for me when you wasn't now stand there and put all those pieces together and tell me who's in the middle of them all
Kobe: don't you dare try to fucking blame me you and i both know that's some bullshit
Y: it's not bullshit kobe you just stood there and basically told me that i'm one of your damn problems what the fuck did i out of all people do to you i went through hell and back with you i gave you three kids who you neglect and i married you not even a month ago and we're already in a different argument
Kobe: you're the one that started this one not me
Y: i started it because you have three amazing beautiful kids that barely see your damn face all day
Kobe: i don't got time for this i have to go
Y: you know what go kobe but realize what you have before it's gone

y/n started walking off and when kobe tried to grab her hand she snatched it away and he sighed getting in the car and driving off while y/n was now in the house sitting on her couch with the kids around her dior had his head on her lap venus had her head on one of her shoulders and isaac was on the other one

Dior: was daddy being mean again
Y: this time baby it's a little more complicated than that
Venus: is he coming home tonight
Y: baby he comes home every night
Venus: not when we're awake
Y: yea i know baby


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