part 110

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y/ns mom ended up coming outside trying to get her to come back inside so they could talk but she drove off now fully in tears until she got home busting through the door and running upstairs while everyone looked at her concerned once she made it to the room kobe was coming out the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist and she ran to him hugging him crying her eyes out while he hugged her back confused rubbing her back

Kobe: hey what's wrong

y/n didn't say anything she just shook her head no signaling she didn't want to talk about it so kobe picked her up and sat on the bed with her rocking side to side and still rubbing her back until she ended up crying herself to sleep and he laid her down then got up just throwing on a pair of shorts and walked downstairs

Kobe: does anyone know what's up with y/n she's like really really sad
Alex: no she came in crying
Sam: we were kind of hoping you knew what was wrong
Sean: i thought you did it or some so i didn't bother asking or anything
Kobe: no i don't know what's wrong but i guess i'll figure out tomorrow or some do y'all have everything shipped already
Jojo: yea it'll be here soon
Kobe: great ok thanks

kobe jogged back upstairs seeing y/n was still sleep so he laid down next to her facing her and wiping the tears that were still wet on her cheeks he was about to move his hand until she gently grabbed it keeping it against her face and he caressed it with his thumb making her sink her face into his hand letting out a sigh of relief and giving her a sense of safety then she slowly opened her eyes looking at him and he could see her eyes were still watering

Kobe: baby what's wrong
Y: everything
Kobe: well elaborate on everything
Y: my dad that i thought was my dad isn't my dad my real dad is in jail for trying to kill my uncle who supposedly raped me when i was six years old and it was attempted murder as in my uncle is still out there somewhere as in any day he could come back
Kobe: one maybe that's why you and your quote on quote dad never had a strong connection two your dad was doing the right thing for protecting you and three your uncle is going to have to go through me to even step a foot next to you and i don't care how tall or fat that nigga is all i know is he ain't bulletproof
Y: stop you're not gonna kill anybody
Kobe: tell him to try and touch you and we'll figure out
Y: i love you
Kobe: i love you more come here

y/n moved closer to kobe and he hugged her then pulled her on top of him kissing her and she kissed him back then she moved to get comfortable so her stomach wasn't in the way but kobe stopped her

Kobe: stop i don't have on my briefs your rubbing on bare skin right now
Y: i'm sorry it's just i can't get comfortable with my damn stomach all in the way it's annoying
Kobe: trust me i get that but seriously stop moving
Y: fine
Kobe: thank you
Y: you know i just don't understand how she could lie to me for twenty fucking years i thought this whole time my dad was a deadbeat that was never around yet he was my hero i never met
Kobe: maybe she wanted to shelter you from the truth because shit i don't know there's no way to justify her lying about something like this
Y: exactly even if she was trying to keep me away from the truth because of how young i was i feel like after a while she should've brought up what happened or at least let me know that man wasn't my dad after i developed really bad daddy issues got attached to him and even got mad when he left to be with his family because i felt like he abandoned me when this whole time he was doing me a favor and this whole time i've been living life thinking everything was ok and they never thought i should know that there's a man running around who might try to come back and hurt me
Kobe: ok for the last half i see maybe they didn't want you to live in fear and always looking over your shoulder to see what's going to happen because they knew you'd be scared because of your past when you should be excited for your future
Y: fine i see that but i could've been visiting my dad showing him he still had family a daughter who cared but no i was kept away from him and kept a secret he doesn't even know what i look like
Kobe: well this is a perfect time to get to know him and show him who you are so when does he get out
Y: tomorrow
Kobe: boom you can pick him up tomorrow pick a place for y'all to meet up then get to know him
Y: how do you think he'll feel to have left home knowing he had a little girl who was just now being introduced to the world to come home to a girl who was twenty four pregnant and graduating college in a week
Kobe: i think he'd be proud shit i sure who would've thought after everything we've been through you'd be graduating college and i'd be in more modeling gigs then i could count if i looked back at teacher me i'd be proud and i'm sure you would too believe it or not i mean so what we had to go through challenges to make it where we are but that's the best part of accomplishing our goals


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