part 129

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they went to dinner and not much happened besides tony trying to hit on y/n and saying dirty jokes that she acted like she didn't hear but after a while the sun went down and it started raining so they got in his car and he started driving y/n thought he was about to take her home so she was just on her phone humming along to the radio until he stopped the car and put the child lock on so she looked up seeing they were in the middle of nowhere then she looked at him scared

Y: tony what's going on
Tony: i want you and this is the only time i'll have you so i'm taking advantage of it
Y: i don't know if i gave you the wrong idea at dinner but i don't want to do anything but go home to kobe
Tony: if you wanted kobe so bad why are you here with me
Y: because you said you wanted to properly apologize or catch up or whatever the fuck you said
Tony: there's no need to hide it now it's just us
Y: tony i'm serious take me home
Tony: shh just come here

tony grabbed y/ns hand pulling her to him with all his force making her chest hit the arm rest in the car and she tried to push away due to the pain but he just pulled her back grabbing the back of her head and forcing her to kiss him while she moved her head side to side and tried to push him away things only got worse when he put his hand in her dress then lower and lower while she tried moving his hand and yelling once he finished doing what he wanted he moved both hands from her and started unzipping his pants so she lifted her foot kicking him as hard as she could in between his legs with her heels still on then once he yelled out in pain she reached across from him turning the child lock off and getting back into her seat when she opened the door she tried to get out but he grabbed her dress and she snatched away from him ripping the back once she got out she didn't think she just took off running in a random direction she made it a decent amount away when she saw his car lights and she ran into the nearest woods it was pitch black she had no idea where she was going and she tripped over something twisting her ankle so she sat there holding it and crying until she heard sticks breaking in the direction she came from and she just got up running again limping on the leg but ignoring the pain she ran until she made it out the woods and she noticed the area so she continued running until she made it home and she walked in slamming the door shut and locking it and she laid down in front of it crying not even thirty seconds later kobe ran downstairs seeing y/n and he went to her squatting down and hugging her while she held his forearm still crying

Kobe: baby what's wrong
Y: you were right
Kobe: right about what
Y: he only wanted one thing and when i wouldn't give it to him he tried to take it
Kobe: what he did this

y/n didn't say anything she just shook her head and kobe went upstairs getting dressed then he went back downstairs helping y/n up and into the car taking her to the hospital and getting her checked in after that he called the others and once they came they went in her room while kobe told jaiden angel jojo jared and kairi to come with him but they told ezekiel and devron to stay to make sure he didn't come back after that they all got in the car and kobe sped off going to tonys house while the others were a little confused once they made it kobe got out the car slamming the door and going to the house banging on the front door and the boys knew where it was about to go so they got out as well

Jared: kobe maybe we should-
Kobe: fuck no his bitch ass better come out before i go in
Jaiden: we know what he did but man your head isn't in the right spot right now
Kobe: man i don't care tell his bitch ass come out that mother fucking house bruh
Angel: he's not gonna come out if he don't want to
Kobe: imma count to ten and for every fucking second he don't come out is every second imma send a bullet flying through that bitch
Kairi: kobe man no calm down
Kobe: he didn't calm down when he touched her why the fuck should i calm down now
Angel: kobe man think about this first
Kobe: fuck that shit where the fuck is he

as soon as kobe said that tonys car pulled into the driveway so kobe shook his head and went back to the car grabbing a metal bat and he walked back to kobes car while the boys yelled at him and he started busting all his windows until he stepped out the car and the second he started walking towards kobe he pulled out the gun making eye contact with him

Tony: woah man chill it's me tony we're cool
Kobe: oh shut up bitch i know what you did to y/n
Tony: i didn't do anything she didn't want me to do
Kobe: you really think that's the smart thing to tell someone who's about to blow your fucking brains out
Tony: man she came on to me
Kobe: how
Tony: by wearing that dress and that makeup and those heel and you know that girl has some sexy ass legs she wanted it

kobe looked at tony and his eyes turned pure black and he tightened his grip on the trigger


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