part 130

484 30 14

before kobe shot jaiden ran to him tackling him onto the ground while it went off once he had kobe down he cleaned his fingerprints off of it and threw it with his sleeve then they looked at tony who was breathing heavily and holding his shoulder so jaiden went and looked seeing it only grazed him but he was bleeding so he got in his car about to drive off

Jaiden: if you tell anyone what happened we'll tell them what you did to y/n choose your battles wisely

tony didn't say anything he just drove off and jaiden went to kobe holding his hands out for him to grab but he smacked them away and stood up walking to the car

Angel: he did it for your own good
Kobe: that wasn't for my own good that bitch touched her i should've gave that bitch a closed casket funeral
Jaiden: if you really wanted to do it you wouldn't have told us to come with you
Kobe: i wanted y'all to come because i thought y'all would help but no y'all just helped that bastard get away
Kairi: we didn't do it for him we did it for you
Kobe: whatever

kobe got in the car and the boys sighed getting in as well and he drove off going back to the hospital once they made it they got out and went to y/ns room and while kobe sat on the side of the bed grabbing y/ns hand the boys all looked at each other

Jojo: kobe shot tony but the bullet only grazed his shoulder because jaiden stopped him
Y: what
Kobe: your main hobby is snitching ain't it that seems to be all you do
Y: why did you try to shoot him
Kobe: kind of a dumb question
Alex: i think it's a great question
Kobe: i mean i'm not shooting at niggas for no reason
Jaiden: he did it because he touched you
Kobe: bruh get out all of you y'all snitch too much

the others shrugged and walked out while the boys stayed and kobe looked at them tilting his head to the side and they rolled their eyes leaving out as well while y/n lifted her hand pulling his hair and he looked at her confused

Kobe: what
Y: why did you do that
Kobe: they just said why
Y: no why as in who the fuck told you to go do it
Kobe: my thoughts
Y: well your thoughts could've gotten your ass put in jail or killed
Kobe: how am i gonna die and i was the one with the gun
Y: what if he had one and fired first what if he took yours and shot you with it
Kobe: man ain't no one taking shit from me
Y: kobe i'm serious
Kobe: shit so am i
Y: you're so hardheaded
Kobe: you know it would be messed up if i didn't do anything think about it that way
Y: kobe
Kobe: mhm yea thought so now lay there until tomorrow and i'm going to go check on the kids
Y: you're gonna leave me here by myself
Kobe: girl get someone to stay with you
Y: wow
Kobe: i love you though
Y: mhm i love you too
Kobe: what like you said i barely spend time with them i'm fixing my shit now fix that fucked up ankle then we'll talk

y/n opened her mouth and kobe looked at her laughing then he kissed her and she kissed him back smiling and he walked out a few minutes past and alex kairi devron and jojo stayed

Kairi: how you doing
Y: oh i'm great better than ever mental health on one hundred
Kairi: seriously
Alex: no kai she's joking
Jojo: you and kobe need to stop that shit
Y: no because y'all ask dumb questions
Alex: ok how about we just shut up and hug you
Y: no don't touch me
Devron: too late

everyone went to y/n hugging her and she laid there taking in deep breaths until they started talking about how much they care about her and she started crying again so they hugged her tighter hours past and they all fell asleep once they woke up a doctor came in with crunches a wheel chair and papers for her so she signed them then the others got her new clothes so she put them on then got in the wheelchair and alex started pushing her out they were almost to the exit when y/n saw rome and she got out the wheelchair grabbing her crunches while everyone looked at her confused then once rome saw he waved and got up walking to her

Rome: hey y/n didn't think i'd see you again what are you doing here
Y: um none really just a sprained ankle
Jojo: she's lying she was se-

before jojo could finish alex smacked him on the mouth

Y: some things are best for the person to tell when they're ready
Jojo: sorry
Devron: boy you can't hold water get in the fucking car
Rome: well are you ok
Y: yea i'm fine now nothing major
Rome: no it is major your ankle is in a brace if you need anything i'm here even if it's just saying awake with you
Y: thank you
Rome: get my number just as friends if you need me text me ok
Y: ok

rome grabbed y/ns phone putting in his number then he gave it back to her and shook his head

Rome: be ok alright
Y: yea but why are you here
Rome: um i'll tell you about that later whenever you tell me why you're here
Y: well i guess we'll both be waiting a while
Rome: haha yea see you around
Y: ok you too

once rome walked off y/n went outside with the others getting in the car and they drove off

Alex: some you want to tell us
Y: no it's just i'm not gonna be in a wheelchair in front of someone i know that shits embarrassing


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