part 1

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my name is y/n i'm seventeen and in high school ugh i hate it so much my fourth block teacher makes the whole day complete shit and he's such a perv he's gotten so many complaints already and yet he still works there i'm just waiting for the day his ass gets fired i tell my mom about him all the time because she's the main one home my brother is always gone and when he's home it's for barely three hours but today i wore a basic outfit i stopped getting dressed up for school when my teacher would keep complimenting me it made me uncomfortable so i went downstairs saying bye to my mom and i got in my car driving to starbucks i always get coffee before school it's the only way to keep me from losing my mind at that hell house anyways after i paid i drove to school and parked my car in the student section which honestly they charge us way too much for it's twenty dollars for a parking pass and if we lose it then they double the price second time around i'm on pass four yes i've now paid eighty dollars for a pass sucks i know right anyways i walked into the building and immediately my best friend kitra came up to me

Kitra: hey bitch
Y: hey hoe
Kitra: you and this damn coffee
Y: girl it's the only thing keeping me going today
Kitra: you didn't eat breakfast today
Y: no i'm fucking starving
Kitra: maybe i should start bringing food by your house every morning
Y: sounds good to me
Kitra: we both have a car why don't we just ride with each other
Y: fine i'm driving monday wednesday and friday
Kitra: and i'll drive tuesday thursday and we're gonna make plans every saturday for now on
Y: alright now let's go to class before i change my mind and skip
Kitra: your mom would kill you literally
Y: yea i know

y/n and kitra started walking to class and they got in sitting down the day went by pretty normal then fourth block came around and y/n sighed as she walked in late as usual then saw the teacher wasn't in the class but she just shrugged and sat next to her other friend

Y: kristen where's the teacher
Kristen: the principal came in a few minutes ago saying we got a new one apparently mr perv finally got fired
Y: ugh about damn time i hated that old fuck
Kristen: you and me both girl i just wonder who our new teacher will be
Y: me too

y/n soon stopped talking and just got on her phone texting people and scrolling through her socials when the principal came in introducing the new teacher but y/n didn't even bother looking up once the principal walked out the teacher looked at y/n then at the clipboard to find her name

??: y/n is it can you get off your phone

y/n rolled her eyes then put her phone down and when she looked up she saw the teacher and completely froze until she snapped out of it

Kobe: like i was saying my name is kobe morris don't call me mr morris it makes me feel old um i recently graduated college so no kids and no girlfriend and i'd like to make this class as fun as possible without any problems so when i ask you all to do something let's just get it done without any back talk or rolling your eyes

when kobe said that his eyes darted to y/n and she looked away fighting back the urge to roll her eyes then she raised her hand

Kobe: yes
Y: how old are you
Kobe: i'm twenty one

y/n mouthed the words fuck and she rolled her eyes and the teacher looked at her again

Kobe: yea no cussing either
Y: sorry i didn't know you heard that
Kobe: anyways on to class the introductions can wait till the end of class right now we're gonna get into this history lesson

kobe turned around looking at the board and all the girls in class started talking about him while y/n paid attention to the lesson and wrote her notes until her mom text her so she put her pencil down and picked up her phone and at that exact moment kobe turned around seeing her

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