part 115

510 33 17

when they jumped out y/n jumped a little almost falling making everyone gasp until kobe caught her and stood her back up then she looked around and when her eyes landed on certain people she gripped kobes arm with two fingers and pinched him making him jump and since no one knew why they all laughed then y/n started walking toward everyone giving them a hug and thanking them for coming but when she went to the group she just looked at them it consisted of her mom vinnie nai tony kristen zion alexandro and jasmine she just looked at them before taking a deep breath

Y: thanks for coming
Y/m: wouldn't miss it for the world

y/n didn't say anything else she just turned around going back to her dad and whispering something in his ear then he looked at her and walked over to her mom while her and kobe walked around looking at all the things he had set up for her then soon the party moved into the backyard so y/n was back there still looking around

Y: so is this like a surprise baby shower
Kobe: it's a surprise gender reveal actually do you like it
Y: wait you know the gender you wouldn't even let me know
Kobe: i don't know anything the only ones that knows is alex and peyton
Y: oh ok so how are you gonna feel if you don't get a boy like you want
Kobe: i'll be fine because then i'll have two girls to protect but i mean a boy wouldn't hurt
Y: guess we just gotta wait and see
Kobe: feels like we've been waiting for forever
Y: tell me about it but this is nice thank you
Kobe: of course just so you know inviting your parents was not my idea
Y: then why are they here
Kobe: that's a good question because i didn't invite them
Y: kobe look
Kobe: oh it's my mom and kiya
Y: should i walk away
Kobe: for what
Y: i don't even think they like me
Kobe: what of course they like you
Y: they went ghost on me for two years as well
Kobe: so what
Y: i'm sorry i can't do this i'm walking away
Kobe: y/n
Y: if i stay i'm going to have a fucking panic attack so no i'm going bye

y/n grabbed one of the blue smoothies off the table and walked off and as soon as vanessa and kiya made it to kobe they looked at y/n who was now talking to the boys

Vanessa: is she avoiding us
Kobe: no she's just a very social person
Kiya: is she really
Kobe: yup
Vanessa: so when is she going to come talk to us
Kobe: she thinks y'all hate her because you ghosted her for two years
Vanessa: what we don't hate her
Kobe: well you made her think it now every time y'all come over she's going to avoid y'all sorry but i gotta go make sure everything is ready so i'll be back ok
Kiya: alright

kobe walked off leaving vanessa and kiya then a few minutes past and they told everyone to circle around so they could do the reveal y/n couldn't find kobe and she was looking around for him since he wasn't around peyton decided to do it instead so they both got a ballon full of powder and everyone counted to three until they popped it and blue smoke flew everywhere y/n was jumping up and down from excitement looking at the others who were happy as well then once she turned to her side about to celebrate with peyton she looked over seeing she was gone then she looked down and her heart dropped

Kobe: alright let's do this again y/n these past few years with you have been hell ok ok i'm kidding let me stop ok y/n these past few years with you have been the best years of my life and i've fucked up if anyone knows that it's you i didn't realize what i had until it was almost gone i won't let that ever happen again this time no one can stop me from marrying you i don't care who they are or what they say because the amount of regret i had from the first time was breaking me i never knew a person could cry as much as i did not only did you show me how to love but you gave me a son well i mean you're giving me one same difference so with that i want to give you me not like no sacrifice type deal because you might try but i just want you because i'm so in love with you so with all that being said one i'm never talking about my feelings in front of a bunch of people ever again and two will you marry me
Y: i can't do this...i'm kidding yes kobe i'll marry you

kobe put the ring on her finger while people clapped then he stood up kissing her and she kissed him back until he hugged her and she started whispering in his ear

Y: one that was so fucking awkward and two yes i would sacrifice you

kobe pulled away from y/n laughing then he kissed her one more time before the party went back to normal and vanessa and kiya were walking back over but this time when y/n tried to walk away kobe gripped her hand and she sighed feeling her heart beating faster

Vanessa: hey y/n congratulations
Y: thanks
Kiya: are you excited for the baby to come
Y: yup
Kiya: what's his name gonna be
Kobe: dior duh
Kiya: y/n you know we don't hate you right
Y: ok
Kiya: we're serious we had some things going on and we cut everyone off not just you we had no communication with any family we barely had some with kobe it's just private things happened and we didn't want anyone knowing i'm sorry if we ever made you feel like you weren't still family because you'll always be that to us i promise


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