part 135

465 28 37

Y: it was in the moment and i just went for it and i felt terrible after but what do you expect you neglect me you make me feel like an option you're never around and when you are we're just arguing he was just there and he actually talked to me and made me feel like i was loved and cared for shit you should've been doing
Kobe: what don't try to put this on me because you fucked up and went to someone else for validation
Y: i wouldn't have to if my fucking husband was giving it to me and didn't have people running in and out of the house behind my back
Kobe: that was just my friend
Y: so you're sitting butt ass naked on the couch for your friend
Kobe: i was on the couch naked for you my friend had just got out the bathroom so i covered myself and made them leave
Y: kobe don't fucking lie to me i'm done with the lying i'm down with it all tell the truth
Kobe: i am telling the truth you're the one who fucked up this time don't put the blame on me
Y: and you've fucked up more times than i can even remember fuck it you are a fuck up kobe i try to cover for you and be like no baby you're amazing you're doing everything right no you're fucking up and you're a fuck up what's even worse is you're turning me into one it's like no matter what happens you drag me down with you i'm tired of it i'm tired of you dragging me down then using me as a crutch to get back up and leaving me falling deeper than the last time
Kobe: don't talk to me like that after all the shit i've done for you all the shit i've bought you
Y: really that's the main thing ok have it

y/n went to her closet grabbing all the clothes kobe gave her and throwing it out the closet and on the floor in front of him she kept going for a few minutes until everything he gave her was on the floor

Y: have it take it all back i don't want it keep it if that's your definition of love then fucking keep it because it sucks this marriage sucks everything sucks the love the making love it sucks ever since we got married everything went down hill this was one big ass mistake
Kobe: the biggest mistake was those three little demons we had
Y: excuse me
Kobe: you heard what i said
Y: you wanted them what the fuck are you talking about
Kobe: i wanted dior you wanted venus and isaac
Y: first off dior is the one that dislikes you the most so i don't know why the fuck you're trying to talk about him differently and i don't care because you're not gonna sit here and call any of my kids demons if you don't want them then that's fine but don't sit here and call them mistakes when the only mistake was ever marrying you you're a piece of shit kobe and you know that that's why you try and manipulate me because you want me to think you're different you're not fucking different it's sad you're older than me yet i'm more mature than you'll ever be you're pathetic i'm done
Kobe: you're not leaving me so shut that dumb ass shit up right now i don't give a fuck about nothing and no one but i know for sure if you try to leave me i will burn this fucking house down with you and me in it do not fucking play with me we i said till death do we part and i meant that shit there's only one way out for you and it damn sure ain't no divorce

kobe pushed y/n on the bed then walked out leaving while she sat there shocked and a little scared not even ten minutes past and kobe came back in the room and handed y/n something so she looked at it and it was just a blank journal

Y: what am i supposed to do with this
Kobe: i don't know write your issues in that so i don't have to hear them no more
Y: you really think that's gonna make me be quiet
Kobe: i mean either that or i will
Y: and how's that
Kobe: haha trust me neither of us want to find the answer to that question shit gone end me up in jail
Y: you're not gonna stand there and keep threatening me if i wanna leave then i'm gonna do just that
Kobe: and i'll get my mom and kiya out the house and light it on fire with the kids still in it and you can listen to them yell
Y: are you fucking crazy
Kobe: try to leave and you'll find out now write in that shit i didn't pay for it for no reason and i'll be downstairs so don't even think about leaving also don't try to climb out the window i super glued that bitch shut and it'll be a bad idea to break it i have an alarm set and if it goes off and i see you outside i'll shoot your dumb ass and say i thought it was an intruder
Y: you're fucking insane
Kobe: maybe anyways i love you and you won't need this

kobe took y/ns phone and gave her a pencil walking out the room and locking it from the outside locking her in the room while she sat there fighting back tears then she opened the notebook and started writing down dates she knew kobe had work and times and she was just writing ways to leave as well as a letter to him for the day she did leave then she opened the dresser looking at the divorce papers she had


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