part 107

549 30 17

three weeks past since everything happened and y/n was arguing with kobe because he wouldn't stop messing with her even though she said she didn't feel good

Kobe: well i'm sorry for just trying to cheer you up
Y: i appreciate that i do but i don't feel like being cheered up i feel sick as hell the last thing i want to do right now is play around or whatever shit you're trying to do
Kobe: the last few days you've been in bed and i've been taking care of you i have no one else and the one time i want to do something it's a no
Y: kobe please stop talking i really don't feel good
Kobe: then go to a doctor like i've been saying this whole time if you feel so bad i'll even drive you
Y: no i can't get up every time i do i feel nauseous
Kobe: yea but you never actually throw up so just come on i'm tired of you always being grouchy and mad we're gonna figure out what's wrong today
Y: if i go will you just stop talking please
Kobe: yea i will
Y: fine

y/n grabbed her keys off the dresser and stood up but as soon as she did her knees gave out and she fell to the ground catching herself before throwing up so kobe quickly ran to her picking her up off the ground but she pushed him away and ran into the bathroom lifting the lid off the toilet and instantly throwing up again while he cleaned the other one then once he finished he walked into the bathroom moving her hair out of her face and rubbing her back

Kobe: good thing you didn't make it to my car you know how much they'd charge me to clean throw up out of a lambo

y/n turned her head looking at kobe giving him a death stare then he mouthed the words sorry before she turned back around throwing up some more thirty minutes past and she was finally done so she sat down on the floor and kobe handed her a wet towel and she wiped her mouth then leaned her arm against the toilet trying to get up after a little kobe picked her up and carried her to the bed laying her down and putting the cover over her

Kobe: well my mom wanted to catch up with you today but i'll let her know you don't feel well
Y: ok
Kobe: is there anything you need before i leave
Y: no i'm good thank you though
Kobe: alright i love you
Y: i love you too

kobe kissed y/ns forehead before walking out the room and she turned on her side getting on her phone watching tiktoks and trying to push the nauseous feeling away she ended up falling asleep with her phone unlocked so when kobe got back hours later he put his keys down and took off his shirt shoes and socks and changed into a pair of shorts then he laid next to y/n pulling her on him and rubbing her back about to fall asleep until her phone started buzzing and he looked over at the caller id seeing it was a random number so he just let it ring once the call ended it showed her messages between her and the girls he thought about looking at it but he shook his head and turned her phone off placing it on the charger then he went back to rubbing her back until he fell asleep as well hours past until kobe woke up seeing y/n wasn't on him so he got up and saw her laying on the floor on her back

Kobe: girl what are you doing
Y: keeping everything down
Kobe: and that helps
Y: yes a lot actually
Kobe: want me to lay down with you
Y: please

kobe sat down on the ground then he laid his head next to y/ns and just talked to her while looking at the ceiling

Kobe: question
Y: ask
Kobe: do you think maybe you're pre-
Y: never mind i don't want to answer
Kobe: y/n you didn't even let me finish
Y: but i know what you're about to ask and i don't want to answer
Kobe: why not
Y: because i'm not pregnant i'm sick of your ass actually
Kobe: mood swings
Y: kobe shut the fuck up
Kobe: you're getting very angry maybe because you thought the same possibility
Y: no i didn't i'm not thinking at all and i'd like if you'd stop talking
Kobe: ok so dior if it's a boy
Y: i'm going to kill you kobe
Kobe: but what if it's a girl ugh maybe we could go for a name brand as well maybe like chanel you know so they can have like matching names or what about victoria you know like victoria secret
Y: you just don't know how to shut up don't you
Kobe: i'm excited why aren't you
Y: because i don't want kids
Kobe: i do i'm about to be thirty i'm getting old as fuck and i'm not even married yet

y/n turned her head looking at kobe and he looked back at her

Kobe: ok yea i know but that wasn't my fault
Y: i know but fine if it is if which is a big if i'll try and be happy
Kobe: good because i sure am and besides i'll help out you just have to sit around and get fat
Y: excuse me
Kobe: i'm sorry i didn't mean actually get fat like yes you're gonna be bigger but you won't be fat i mean depends on what you consider fat but i don't think you'll look fat to me you'll look great but to other people i don't know

kobe looked at y/n and she was giving him a death stare so he looked back up at the ceiling

Kobe: i'm just gonna stop talking


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