part 48

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while she was looking at the sky she saw the boys and they walked over to her sitting down on the bench talking and laughing while y/n was zoned out until kai thudded her arm and she looked at him

Y: huh
Kai: what's wrong with you
Y: nothing i'm fine
Kai: you look sad
Y: it's that noticeable
Kai: yea it is
Zach: so tell us what's wrong
Y: kobe
Tony: i'm getting tired of this mother fucker
Sean: what he do now
Y: well last night he came in the room extremely late smelling like perfume and i don't mean mine but since leona was over i was just like maybe they were play fighting or something so i ignored it then this morning he got in the shower with me and for the first time in forever i thought maybe everything was going to be ok but as soon as i asked why he got in bed so late he got mad and stormed out so i finish and go downstairs and he made leona breakfast and not me but all that is little shit what hurt the most is when i told him i loved him and he said love you too
Sean: wait i don't get the last part
Kai: he didn't put the i in front of i love you
Y: exactly

while y/n was talking tony put his hand on her face gently wiping his thumb across and once he moved it y/n looked at him and he raised his hand up

Tony: you had a tear falling down
Y: oh thank you
Tony: anytime so are you ready to do what we talked about yesterday
Y: yea i can't do this anymore the thought is growing more and more in the back of my mind
Tony: well i was thinking it could be a creator house like me you and the boys living together
Y: yea i love that idea
Kai: wait what idea i'm confused
Tony: y/n doesn't think her and kobe are going to last so we're getting a new house a creator house
Y: so when things go down hill for me and kobe i'll live there
Sean: oh well hell yea i'm down
Zach: me too
Kai: alright well let's get house shopping
Tony: to the tony mobile
Y: wait what about my car
Tony: leave it here we'll be back
Y: ok

they all got up and got in tony's car and drove around good neighborhoods looking at houses but they had no luck so they kept looking while y/n started losing hope and looked out the window tony noticed so he put his hand out and y/n looked at him then back at his hand grabbing it and he tightened his grip and kept driving soon they went into a neighborhood with huge houses and when y/n saw one she finally liked she told tony to stop the car and they all looked at it

Sean: oh
Kai: hell
Zach: yes
Y: come on we have to look at it
Tony: what if someone lives there
Y: they don't it says for sale
Tony: ehh i don't know
Y: please come on
Tony: fine let's go

y/n smiled in excitement then they got out the car and they walked to the door looking inside while she looked at the sign calling the number and scheduling a day they can look at the house after she got it all situated the boys came down to her

Tony: so what's the news
Y: tomorrow at eight we can come back and look at it
Tony: this house is an hour away to make it on time we have to leave at the least seven o'clock
Y: ok pick the others up from my house at six thirty so boys that mean be at my house by six twenty
Sean: we'll be there
Y: i'm serious be there or get left
Kai: hey ms ma'am we'll be there
Y: ok if you say so

the boys started walking back to the car while tony walked slower to be next to y/n then he whispered to her

Tony: they're not gonna be there
Y: yea i know

they both laughed then kept walking and once they got in tony turned up the radio and drove back to their area but he didn't take anyone home he went to a drive in movie and they all watched it mainly talking then they went to a bar taking a few shots and dancing around laughing and smiling and after that they went to the beach running around and doing flips and laughing when one of them fell after that they all started running in the water jumping around and spinning in a circle with each other before falling down after a while tony walked off and everyone started looking for him then the boys ran out of nowhere and y/n looked at them confused then she saw tony was running straight towards her with a cake in his hands so she started running as fast as she could laughing she was getting away until sean caught her and tony smushed it in her face making her laugh even harder so she turned around rubbing her face on sean's and tony's covering them in it as well then they all snuck up on kai putting on him too hours past and the sun went down so they all cleaned their faces then tony dropped the boys off and when he made it to y/ns house he parked in the street and she looked at the house sighing

Y: well the fun ends
Tony: only for a few hours we'll see you at six thirty
Y: promise
Tony: of course i promise it's gonna be ok go
Y: ugh do i have to
Tony: yes go cry baby

tony laughed making y/n smile then she grabbed her things and gave tony a hug and he hugged her back then she got out the car and started walking to the door


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