part 56

777 37 13

y/n kept talking to louisi just getting to know her more then once tony finished he pulled her to him kissing her than he squeezed her butt leaving his hand there while he spoke

Tony: i won fuck you talking about and i'd like to thank this sexy charm right here anyways you know my cashapp send me my money pussy we out

tony moved his hand from y/ns butt to her hand and they started walking out until tony started tripping over his own feet so he leaned on y/n and she put him in the passenger seat then once she closed the door and turned around kobe was standing there scaring her a little

Y: i'm going to have to put a bell on your ass or something
Kobe: you're leaving already
Y: yea my dumb drunk boyfriend-
Kobe: don't call him that
Y: but that's what he is
Kobe: i know but just call him by his name in front of me please
Y: ok well dumb drunk tony needs to go home
Kobe: oh ok well leonas mad and doesn't want to go anymore so i was thinking maybe you'd want to go
Y: am i going to get any context clues onto where we're going
Kobe: oh my bad i'm going out of town to miami for like a week or two i was wondering if you'd want to go
Y: when is this trip
Kobe: three months from now
Y: i'll think about it
Kobe: ok that's fine oh before you go though here
Y: what is this
Kobe: a necklace with a picture of us at graduation
Y: why
Kobe: it's our two years
Y: but we're not together
Kobe: mentally you'll always been mine so like i said happy two years
Y: thank you
Kobe: your welcome

y/n took the necklace wrapping it around her hand then she started walking to the drivers seat and once she opened the door kobe got her attention again

Y: what is it now
Kobe: you didn't say it back
Y: because we're not together
Kobe: say it back for me
Y: happy two years kobe
Kobe: ...i love you
Y: i gotta go
Kobe: y/n

y/n ignored him and got in the car driving off back to the house when they got there she turned it off and got out helping tony then when they made it to his room he instantly moved y/ns arm off of him and picked her up kissing her without any warning once it escalated every position he put her in she had the necklace in her hand constantly trying to erase kobes words out of her head once they finished tony was laying on his back and y/ns head was on his chest and she put the necklace down and placed her hand on his chest falling asleep once she woke up she saw tony pacing back and forth with something in his hand

Tony: y/n i'm going to ask something and i want you to be completely honest with me
Y: ok what's up
Tony: what is this

tony loosened his hand letting the object dangle and when she looked closer she saw the necklace

Y: i promise i can explain that
Tony: how are you going to explain this
Y: kobe gave it to me last night
Tony: last night so you were alone with him
Y: no your drunk ass was in the car
Tony: so what you fucked him behind my back
Y: the only person i fucked last night was you idiot
Tony: then why is this shit in our house

tony threw the necklace across the room and y/n looked at him throwing her hands up in defense

Y: i don't care what you think but i'm telling you the truth he gave it to me yesterday
Tony: why y/n why is he giving you shit
Y: because he said it was our two years
Tony: you're not with him you're with me
Y: stop yelling i know that and i told him that
Tony: and yet you still took the gift
Y: what was i supposed to do tony throw it in his face
Tony: yea it would've helped
Y: i'm sorry ok i took the damn gift because i didn't think it mattered and i was babysitting you all damn night anyways i obviously didn't put the damn thing on so that should at least tell you something but of course you're like everyone else you only manage to see the shit i do wrong fuck this dude

as y/n was talking she got redressed then she grabbed her keys about to walk out until tony grabbed her arm so she turned around trying to push away from him with her other arm but he grabbed it as well

Y: let me go tony
Tony: i'm sorry ok i was just mad
Y: you know how many damn times i've heard that lie repeated to me if you don't know the answer it's five hundred forty seven days that's a year and fucking a half tony i'm sick of the lies of sick of everything i'm sick of people yelling at me for every mistake i made i'm tired of feeling like nothing i do is enough i just want to be enough for somebody why is that too much to ask for why am i so hard for someone to love that i only matter when they're fighting to get me they want a chase every damn day and i can't do that i don't want to do that i want something regular something i know if everything else changes that won't why does no one want to be there for me without yelling at me every time i'm not perfect i try but it doesn't work i'm sorry ok i'm so fucking sorry i'll tell you the same shit i've been saying for years now every time even if it's not my fault


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