part 4

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hours past and y/n got bored so she got up going into vinnies room and sitting on his bed talking about random crap while he was on his game ignoring her once she realized she smacked him upside the head and he took his head sets off and started chasing her around the house while she ran off then he picked her up and she yelled while he body slammed her on the couch making her laugh after that he walked off and she shook her head then got up going into her moms room seeing she was sitting on the bed doing taxes so y/n helped her then she went to her room getting hair products and braiding hair after that she went back into her moms room laying all of it on her bed

Y/m: girl what is all of this for
Y: i'm about to do your hair
Y/m: my hair looks fine
Y: yea but nothings wrong with a little change
Y/m: fine come on

y/ns mom sat on the ground and y/n sat behind her doing her hair she finished at four in the morning and she moved from behind her giving her a mirror to see then her mom hugged her and thanked her while wrapping it up after that y/n walked to her room showering in cold water trying to wake herself up then she got ready for school in a hoodie and sweatpants with her hair in a ponytail and she walked downstairs eating a few grapes then she sat there waiting for the girls for a few hours until she remembered it was her day to drive so she quickly grabbed her keys going to their houses getting them and she drove to school listening to them complain about being late once they made it they all got out the car walking inside and going to fourth block

Kristen: can't believe you made us miss more than half the day
Y: i'm sorry i was up all damn night and i forgot it was my day don't rip my head off

kristen huffed as she picked up her pace hurrying to class leaving y/n while she kept walking slow once she made it to class she was about to go in until kobe stood in the doorway and she sighed

Kobe: why are you extremely late to my class
Y: i have my reasons
Kobe: good and you can have your reasons for detention

y/n rolled her eyes as kobe moved out the way letting her in and she went to her seat sitting down while he went back to teaching then she tried to pay attention but she ended up falling asleep she woke up to someone slamming something on her desk and she jumped up then she looked around seeing everyone was gone and she looked up seeing kobe then she rubbed her temples as her eyes started opening more

Kobe: first you come really late then you sleep through my whole entire lesson good you stay after and you'll be doing work that i'm going to take for a grade
Y: why are you on my ass so much fuck do you not remember when you were seventeen give me a fucking break bruh
Kobe: i remember when i was seventeen and even then i wasn't slacking at every damn task i was being told because i was responsible
Y: ok but you know how it felt to be nagged by a bitching teacher
Kobe: first off you're gonna talk to me with respect i'm your teacher
Y: oh please you're only four years older get over it
Kobe: yea and those four years make a huge difference so watch your damn mouth
Y: see if you're so responsible then why are you cussing at a student
Kobe: oh cut the shit because the nice way obviously doesn't work for you
Y: have you ever thought that maybe i just don't want to talk to you or is that too much to process you fucking idiot
Kobe: i'm not gonna tell you again to watch your mouth when you speak to me
Y: i don't care i don't know if you haven't realized that but i don't give two flying fucks kobe
Kobe: i'm getting real tired of your attitude
Y: then do some about it or shut the fuck up

kobe just looked at y/n with his fist balled up and she looked back at him then he walked off going to his desk picking up a stack and papers and going back to her desk slamming them down

Kobe: those are due for a grade have them back to me by the time your detention is over or you're gonna fail my fucking class your choice i'm done with you and your attitude

kobe went back to his desk sitting down and grading papers while y/n put in her headphones and started doing her work once she finished she grabbed the papers and walked to kobe slamming them on his desk and going to her seat grabbing her phone and her backpack about to walk out

Kobe: where do you think you're going
Y: home my detention is over and i gave you your shitty papers
Kobe: no you were late again clean the tables and pick up the trash
Y: fucking bitch
Kobe: what was that
Y: just know it wasn't nice

y/n rolled her eyes then grabbed the rag and spray from kobe and went to the tables wiping them down then she started picking up trash and once again she felt someone looking at her so without getting up she slickly looked and saw kobe staring at her but when she stood up he looked away so once she finished she threw away the trash then put the things back on his desk

Y: hey how about next time you ask me to pick up trash you try to not look at my ass

i'm changing his age to twenty one just keep that in mind bc i'm not going back to change it 💕

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