part 7

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kobe refused to let y/n out so she started reaching across from him trying to open this door but he kept pushing her hands away until she managed to unlock the doors and she got out starting to walk down the side walk while kobe rolled his eyes walking to his front door opening it then turning back around

Kobe: you know if you weren't so damn stubborn maybe it would be easier for you to get your head out of your self absorbed ass
Y: excuse you don't talk to me like that

y/n walked up to kobe yelling in his face while he was yelling at her back

Y: i don't know who the fuck you think you are but you're not gonna talk to me like you've lost your got damn mind i never said it was a mistake you did but somehow i'm self absorbed i should've known not to expect much from you after all you are twenty one but yet you're still the biggest dick i've met
Kobe: i'm the biggest dick because i said what happened was a mistake it was you're my student and if it wasn't for your friend calling your name it would've escalated
Y: so if you think it would've escalated then you wanted it to so why is it that now it didn't all of a sudden it's a mistake thats bullshit and you know it
Kobe: i was high and drunk as fuck shit i still am i wasn't thinking straight neither were you and we both know that
Y: no you know that i did what i wanted to do obviously it was only one sided don't worry about me i'll come in your class pay attention and leave since you're so worried about your little job i'll make it easy for you matter of fact i'll even drop the class

y/n turned away walking off and kobe huffed then thought to himself before calling her name

Y: what the fuck do you want
Kobe: can you come here

y/n sighed then rolled her eyes walking back to kobe and standing in front of him

Y: now like i said what do you want
Kobe: you
Y: what
Kobe: you asked at the party if i liked you i said no but my answer is yes
Y: i was joking and besides you've only known me for a week
Kobe: yea i know and maybe it's because you've been a pain in the fucking ass but i can't get you off my mind and no matter how much i want to say it is it wasn't a mistake and i did want it to escalate and shit maybe i still do

kobe put his hand on y/ns butt moving her closer to him

Y: kobe i thought you said you could get fired
Kobe: i still can but that's a problem for later kobe

y/n had a small smile on her face and then kobe kissed her and she kissed him back soon he picked her up again carrying her inside and closing the door a few hours past and y/n and kobe got up stretching then they looked at each other shocked

Y: fuck
Kobe: did we
Y: shit you're my teacher
Kobe: i'm you're teacher
Y: this is bad
Kobe: shit ok um get dressed and i'll drop you off at your house
Y: what day is it
Kobe: friday...shit i'm late
Y: shit the girls are probably freaking out
Kobe: well good thing me and them have something in common

y/n and kobe got up and while y/n put on her dress from yesterday kobe put on some new clothes then they got in his car and he dropped her off at her house and she ran in seeing the girls her mom and her brother

Kitra: bruh where were you
Y: sorry after the party i was messed up and somehow winded up on the um what you call it the beach
Kristen: you walked there
Y: yea i guess i did
Y/m: well maybe you should stay home today your legs look tired
Y: yea they do hurt really bad guess it's from the drunk walking or maybe i fell but i'm exhausted so i'm going in my room
Y/m: ok

y/n went into her room getting in the shower and getting cleaned up then once she got out she dried off then got dressed then took one of her pills and put them up then walked out the bathroom going back into her room and sitting down on her bed watching tv then the girls came in sitting on her bed and smiling at her

Y: i fucked kobe last night

the girls smile went to them opening their mouths in shock

Kristen: you're kidding
Y: i wish i was
Kitra: what how
Y: well we kinda felt on each other at the party when you called my name and he just walked away that's why i was upset and i left then he came and picked me up and we went to his house arguing in his driveway blah blah blah he tells me he likes me blah blah blah we kiss then boom i wake up naked in his bed
Kitra: he said he liked you
Y: yea but we were fucked up
Kristen: drunk words are sober thoughts haven't you heard that
Y: of course i fucking heard that kristen

y/n put her hands on her face and threw her head back sighing

Kitra: why are you so stressed it's a good thing
Y: one he's my teacher two he's four years older and three what was it oh yea he's my teacher i have to see him everyday
Kitra: just switch classes
Y: no because he'll know it's bothering me i can't do that
Kristen: then stop complaining and live with it oh well it happened most girls would kill to sleep with him they can't you did be glad girl


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