You're a Jerk!

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Mindless behavior had decided to go on a show with a man who loved to put people on the spot. Walter had told them that this wasn’t a good idea, but the boys didn’t care, nor were they thinking. They just wanted to go on an interview show because they hadn’t been on one for a while.

“I’m warning you. This guy is an asshole.” Walter preached.

They walked onto the stage and waved at the crowd full of teenagers going wild. Princeton, Roc, Ray Ray, and Prodigy all sat down in the four chairs in front of the host’s desk. The host came out and waved at the crowd, then sat down in his chair and looked at the boys.

“Mindless behavior everyone. Give them a round of applause!” The host shouted as the crowd got louder than before.

“It’s great to be here.” Prodigy smiled.

“Yeah. So you guys are coming out with a new album in Janurary huh?” He asked.

“Yeap! We’re not going to release the exact date but it comes out that month!” Ray Ray said putting his index finger up at the crowd.

“Well you guys said that ‘Lose it’ was coming out 800 years ago and it STILL isn’t out.” The host laughed as the boys wen’t from smiling, to giving him a blank stare.

“Anyway, so I want to ask the questions that people are avoiding.” The host said. “Ray Ray, are you dating Star?”

“Wait…what?” Ray Ray said freezing up as he looked at him.

“Are you dating Star? I mean I see you talking on instagram a lot.” He said. “What’s that on your neck? I see a little half heart on your neck and that’s not something you usually wear with a friend!”

Ray Ray stared blankly at the man as he started to blush. Instantly, he regretted the decision of going onto the show.

“Don’t want to answer the question huh?” The host continued. “That’s fine. So Roc! What did you think about that gay story that someone wrote on Wattpad? Did you see it?”

“Uhh..yeah……” Roc said in an awkward tone. “I read it and it was..quite disturbing. But if they’re comfortable with writing that type of stuff, then that’s what that’s fine.”

“So you’re comfortable with Ray Ray giving you ‘R-shaped’ hickeys on your neck?”

“No!” Roc laughed. “I’m just saying I don’t mind what my fans are writing.”

“Oh. Alright. Time to take you to out of the hot seat.” The host grinned. “PRINCE!”

“Yeah?” Princeton said in a nervous tone as he looked up at the host. The questions that he asked the boys were scaring him, so he didn’t know what he was going to say.

“Pretty boy, Al B. Sure, Princeton.” He joked. “Bella! Who’s this Bella girl?”

“Well I don’t know her personally, but I just followed her on instagram and we talk on there sometimes.”

“So this girl has swerved you a million times, and you still follow her on there?” He laughed. “She at least deserves an unfollow or something. Don’t let this girl do this to you when you have about 1000+ girls waiting for you already!”

“I did unfollow her.” Princeton said lowly.

“But I see that you still like her pictures on IG though. Haha. Moving to Prod!” The host joked.

“This dude is really starting to piss me off with his smart ass mouth.” Ray Ray whispered to Roc as he looked at Prince.

“It’s alright.” Roc said in a low tone as he shook his head. “It’s almost over. He asked for us to be on here. He needs to remember that.”

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