My Favorite Things (Ori x reader x company) (song from the Sound of Music)

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The rain was beating down hard and the lightning was flashing as the company of Thorin Oakenshield finally found their way into a small cave. All of you had just barely survived a fight between the stone giants and were very shook by the event. The horrid weather was certainly not helping either and everyone was very down in their spirits, with their thoughts only on getting warm and staying together. 

You were half dwarf and half hobbit and had been impacted just as much as everyone else. Currently, you were huddled up against a wall, trying to stop your breath from coming out in shuddering gasps and to slow your wildly beating heart. However, you couldn't focus on yourself for long, what with the state everyone else was in.

Your mother was a hobbit, and a very tough one at that. She had always taught you that one of the most important things was to make sure that the people around you were comfortable, cozy, and altogether doing well. Moreover, having many siblings, you had often seen your mother balance many things at once, often pushing aside her own worries and troubles to make sure your siblings were alright. So now, although you were far away from your real family, you still had a little family of dwarves that were very troubled, and you saw it as your task to cheer them up. 

First you got up from where you were sitting and helped to start the fire. The dwarves were having a rather hard time with it, due to the lack of dry kindling, but you had collected some dry sticks and leaves along the way, trying to foresee any situation, just as your mother had taught you.

"Here let me help you out," you offered, walking up to the struggling Bombur. "That wet kindling won't do at all, but here's some dry sticks that I collected along the way. I think these might work better".

"Oh that's just the thing," Bombur said with a small smile as you helped him to set up the sticks and start up a fire.

"Come everyone, sit closer," you called, gesturing to the space around the fire. "It won't do to sit in the damp corners. And let's lay out your wet cloaks and overcoats so that they can dry up a bit. We can use blankets to get warmer, and everyone put out your bed rolls so that you are even more comfortable".

"You remind me of my mother Y/N," Bilbo remarked. "She was always making sure everything was cozy and everyone was comfortable".

"Well my mother is a hobbit, so what can you expect?" you replied. "Come sit". You patted the space behind you. "Here Bombur, you come sit too, I'll take care of food".

"Very cheerful, aren't we Miss Y/N?" Balin pointed out, sitting down wearily.

"Well somebody has to be, or we'll all just end up sulking, cold, and hungry," you replied. 

Suddenly you noticed that one member of the company had still not made it to the fire. Taking a quick look around the cave, you noticed that Ori was huddled alone in the corner, shivering.

"Ori, what are you doing there?" you asked, walking up to the dwarf. "Come to the fire, it'll be warmer".

"I'm-I'm al-alright," he replied, teeth chattering. You crossed your arms and shook your head.

"You're cold for one thing, and that's definitely not alright," you countered. "But there must be something else as well," you continued more gently, sitting down beside him. "You've kept away from everyone else since the incident with the giant, Ori. What's troubling you?".

"I can-can't tell yo-you," Ori said quietly, barely above a whisper. 

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. I just want to help so that you aren't troubled anymore and can come get warm".

"I'm-I'm scared Y/N," Ori said after a couple minutes. "The trolls were bad enough, but now I'm just terrified. And I know that it will only get scarier as we keep going. I don't think I can go on Y/N, but I can't just leave. I made a promise that I would accompany Thorin all the way to Erebor and help to get it back. And... I don't want to be seen as weak by the others. I'm already not the bravest and toughest as it is, but now... now I don't know what they will even think. They'll be disappointed in me, that's for sure".

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