Sera Was Never (Thorin x reader songfic) (song from Dragon Age Inquisition)

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Just a note that at the beginning of this fic, the reader will go by the name of Sera.

The merry noise of the dwarves from Thorin's sitting room reached your ears as you pushed the doors open, a tray filled with ale mugs in your hand. Tonight, all the members of Thorin's company, except for Bilbo and Gandalf, have gathered together to reminisce about the journey. You, being a member of the company, were more than welcome.

"Ale anyone?" you called, walking into the room.

"Give it here lass, we'll pass it around," Dwalin called, and you placed the tray into his arms.

"Sit Sera," Thorin beckoned, patting the space beside him. You settled down beside him, leaning your head on your lover's shoulder. 

"Aye, it sure is nice to have Erebor again," Bofur commented, sipping on his ale thoughtfully.

"Yes yes," Balin agreed. "The hardships of the journey were worth the reunion".

"Oh, I remember when we got caught by trolls and Master Boggins said we had parasites," Kili added cheerfully. 

"And when the goblin king fell on our heads," Fili added. "Nearly squashed us too".

"Oh and the elves had so much trouble with Fili's infinite amount of weapons," you giggled.

"Can you believe we escaped from Mirkwood in barrels?" Nori exclaimed.

"And that jog to Beorn's house," Bombur pointed out. "That was something".

"Ah, and remember our good friend Bilbo," Dori mused. "Poor lad. When he said he forgot his handkerchief I knew there would be trouble, but he was quite the hero".

"Gandalf too," Gloin added. "Always there at just the right time. Though half the time he was not even there".

"Laketown was quite interesting also," Ori said. "And I documented so many drawings of the scenery".

"No, the best thing on the journey must have been when Uncle finally told Y/N he liked her," Kili declared.

"Oh be quiet you," Thorin said, waving a hand at him. "But I am very glad it happened," he added softly. You smiled, squeezing his hand gently.

"Say Sera," Fili said suddenly. "We don't know that much about you, do we?".

"Well no, I suppose not," you said cautiously. "I've never talked about my life much". 

The thing was, that while you had presented yourself to the company as a fierce warrior, in reality you were quite the opposite. You had lived a rather quiet life, not at all as intriguing as those of your family. In truth, your family was rather disappointed in you and often urged you to go do something courageous and interesting.

"Go do something noteworthy," your mother would always say. "You're of no use to anybody if you sit here all day. Just think of your great ancestor, Sera. Now she was quite the extraordinary woman". It was these words that had led you to make the choice you did.

"I may not be Sera," you had thought. "But I can become her. Not many people know of her, and if I take her identity then surely my family will be happier with me. Maybe I will be happier with myself too". You were happy with yourself, deep down you really were, but the words of your family members had pushed you to become unsatisfied with who you were and made you want to do something with your life. 

"Why don't ya tell us a little bit about yerself?" Dwalin suggested. 

"Yes Sera, we would all love to get to know you more," Bofur added. You sighed. You didn't really want to do this, didn't want to lie to these people that were so close to you. However, they already knew the personality of the person whose identity you had taken, and you feared that they would hate you if you told them the truth. Therefore, you had no choice but to tell them the story that you had told many others before. Hopefully they would be satisfied with it.

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