Exposing Lila

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I love reading Lila take-down fics, so I finally decided to write one for Adrienette April! I wasn't expecting it to be nearly the last prompt, but these last three prompts are really letting us go out with a bang! Let me know what you think! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                                                   -Colorado


The grin on Adrien's face would've seemed off-putting to anyone but Marinette. After all, they had been planning this day for months. Finally, it was here. Everything was ready, every piece in their place. Like the perfect puzzle, it was all coming together.

Marinette couldn't wait for it to begin. 

"Hey, Adrien, you ready for today?" Marinette sang, skipping up to him.

"Am I?" He perked up. "I can't wait for our presentation."

"Me neither." Marinette rubbed her hands together. "You're a genius for thinking this up, although I'm still surprised you were the one who gave the idea to me and not the other way around." She teased.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, well, she crossed a line. Lila deserves what's coming."

"Note to self: don't get on your bad side."

Adrien snorted.

"Like there's anything you could do to get on my bad side."

"I certainly hope not." Marinette shuddered.

Ever since she had confessed to him about Lila's threats, he had dropped the "let's just wait and see" act like it was a hot potato. Instead, he had gone out of his way to put a master plan into motion. Marinette readily agreed to help him with whatever, and once they were aware of it, Alya and Nino had pitched in, too. It had done wonders for their friendship and now they were as close as she and Alya were.

"So, do you want to go first for our presentation?" Adrien asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should save the best for last, you know?" Marinette winked.

"You've got a point."

"But I think the anticipation would kill me if we waited that long."

"How about trying for the last presentation of the morning? Then we have lunch to settle things once and for all."

"See? This is why you're the smart one." Marinette bumped shoulders with him as he slid into his seat, turning around immediately so he could still talk to her.

"Why thank you. I do try." He flipped his imaginary hair, making Marinette giggle.

"Well, good morning to you two." Alya slyly slid next to Marinette. "Want to fill me in on what's going on?"

"Our presentation." They chorused.

"Ah. That explains it. And you're sure you have crossed your t's and dotted your i's? I don't want either of you two getting in trouble because of this."

"We had everyone and their parent's sign the form that consented to their video and audio footage being used in our presentation." Adrien said.

"If Lila does try to pull something, we can always pull out the forms." Marinette reassured Alya.

That was one thing her and Adrien had been extremely careful about. If they wanted to pull this off, they had to do it right. The result could be catastrophic if they didn't. Neither of them had a doubt that Lila wouldn't try to weasel her way out of it.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now