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I am a sucker for this troupe and have wanted to write something like this for the longest time. I really hope you guys will liked this as much as I did! Don't forget to vote and comment!                                                                                                                                     -Colorado


Marinette leisurely walked from one aisle to another, keeping an eye out for anything she could use. She wasn't in a huge rush, but the sooner she had gathered up materials for her newest project the better. Her partner deserved the best gift she could give him after all.

With summer coming to a close and their one year anniversary coming up, she knew she had to get something for Chat Noir. However, he deserved something more than just a small trinket, that was why Marinette was making him something homemade. She just had to be careful enough to not sign her work and she'd be fine! At least, that was what she was hoping.

Hopefully he'd be smart enough to not wear it out in public.

"Well, it's not like he'd wear pajamas in public anyway." Marinette giggled at the thought. "At least, I don't think so."

"Marinette?" A familiar voice asked behind her.

"Adrien! What are you doing here?" Her eyes brightened at the sight of her friend.

"I'm shopping for a coworker of mine. You?"

"Do you remember that online friend I told you about?"

"The one that you're crushing on?" Adrien smirked.

"I am not!" Her blush told a different story.

"Sure. Anyway yes, I do remember him."

"We're meeting up in real life in a few days so I wanted to get him a gift."

"Ooo, really? Are you nervous?"

"Not really. I know him so well by now, it's probably going to be the highlight of my week."

"You know, Mari, if you two are in person, you won't have an excuse not to kiss him." Adrien winked.

"I told you, I don't have a crush on him!"

"Yeah-huh, sure." He rolled his eyes. "I've heard you sing praises about him for five minutes straight Mari, you don't do that unless your head over heels for someone."

"Hmph. Whatever."

Ever since she had gotten over Adrien, and got a crush on Chat Noir, they had become close friends. It was nice to spend time with him without over analyzing everything they did. It was almost freeing.

"So, what are you thinking about making for him?" Adrien asked.

"How'd you know I was making something for him?"

"Because I know you. You wouldn't give up the opportunity to stun him with one of your designs." 

"Alright, you got me there. Here, I'll show you." She pulled out her sketchbook, flipping to the page where she had sketched out the pajamas.

"Wow. I'm guessing he's a Chat Noir fan, then?"

"Yep. I have to say, I'm rather proud of this design."

It was a two piece pajama set. The pants were black of course, but the t-shirt was a bright green with sharp black bursts that reminded Marinette of Chat's cataclysm.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now