Self Defense

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After 27 days of waiting, I can finally write this and share it with you all! This idea is one of my favorites for identity reveals, if not my favorite. There's just something about the atmosphere that I adore.                                                                                                             -Colorado


Out of all the classes in the world, Marinette had never expected P.E. to be one of her favorites.

Granted, she didn't always enjoy gym class. Before collège, Marinette had always been rather quiet in class. She stuck to the shadows instead of the limelight. She had friends, sure, but all of them had their own groups and Marinette didn't want to impose.

Meeting Alya had really brought her out of her shell. Now, she had a group and was the class president! She had come a long way socially, beginning to stand up for herself and hanging with people in her class.

Her achievements physically however, was all due to receiving the Ladybug miraculous. While she was still incredibly clumsy while she was Marinette, it had gotten a lot better. Her physical strength had increased a lot too, and she was able to lift heavy weights with no problem. And some of the punches and kicks she had thrown? They sometimes scared even her.

So while younger Marinette never enjoyed P.E. that much, teenage Marinette absolutely loved it. It was one of the only times she was able to show off all the progress she had made while fighting supervillains on the daily. She had to admit she acted a bit more like Ladybug than Marinette while she was in gym class. She didn't worry about her clumsiness or if Adrien was watching her while she was pummeling Kim with dodge balls.

So when M. D'Argencourt announced they would be starting their self defense unit, Marinette was excited, really excited.

"Now that akumas have become part of the normal, you all must learn how to protect yourself from a possible attack. While I have none of you ever have to go hand to hand with an akuma, it is always better to be prepared. That is why I have decided to expand the usual self defense unit we do." M. D'Argencourt explained.

"This year, you will be paired with another classmate to spar with them. They will be your partner for the entire unit and I'll select them based on multiple attributes."

An excited whisper ran throughout the room as M. D'Argencourt continued to explain. The appeal of sparring Chloe or Lila, was very appealing to Marinette.

"However! If I observe any unwarranted violence towards another student, there will be consequences. The school wants everyone to have a safe and effective time and if I think there is potential danger between two students, I will alert M. Damocles." M. D'Argencourt glanced at Chloe, before quickly looking back towards the class.

"That said, I understand that there can be accidents while you are sparring. Because of this, we will spend a week learning how to spar safely and how to defend yourself without hurting the other person. At the end of the unit, you and someone of your same skill level will spar in front of the class. This may be your partner, but it may not be. Is that clear?"

The class rang out affirmatives.

"Good. Now, I will be seeing students one-on-one to see what skill set they have to help decide what partner they should have for the unit. M. Agreste, you are up first."

Adrien nodded, and followed his fencing teacher to the mat.

"The rest of you can talk amongst yourselves." M. D'Argencourt waved over his shoulder.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now