Double Date

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Here we are in the final stretch of Adrienette April! Sorry for posting so late, I thought I had published this yesterday, but it turns out I didn't! Don't we love technology issues? Anyway I hope you enjoy the post-reveal post-relationship goodness for today! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                                                                           -Colorado


Marinette was trying her hardest not to laugh as the class gaped at her in shock.

"Surprise?" Adrien chuckled beside her.

"When did this happen?" Alya was the first to break the silence.

"Two days, three hours, and 27 minutes ago." Adrien reported.

"You remember?" Marinette grinned. She did too, of course, it was hard to forget.

"Yeah! I mean it's right there on my phone."

"What were you two doing up at four in the morning?" Max asked, doing quick calculations.

"I couldn't sleep." Adrien shrugged.

"Neither could I."

"So I texted Marinette,"

"And seeing as it was four I let some things slip,"

"And now we're dating!" Adrien finished, holding up their intertwined hands.

"I can't believe it." Alya muttered. "All it took for you two to work things out was sleep deprivation."

"Pretty crazy, right?" Adrien scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah." Alya shot Marinette a look that she purposefully ignored as she walked up to her desk.

There would be time for answering questions later, right now she just wanted to be with her new boyfriend.

"Would you mind switching spots with me, just for today Alya?" Adrien asked, giving her a smile. She sighed.

"Fine, but only if the four of us can go out on a double date at lunch."


They shook on it and Adrien happily slid into the bench next to Marinette.

Mme. Bustier soon arrived after, but it was a moot point to try and get her class to calm down. After all, this was huge. Bets were exchanged, looks were shared, and hushed whispers fell over the classroom throughout the entire lesson.

"Now, will anyone fill me in on why we're so chatty today? And why Alya and Adrien have changed seats?"

"It won't be permanent, Mme. Bustier." Adrien reassured her.

"Just for a few days." Marinette continued.

"Once the week is over,"

"Adrien will go back to his usual seats."

"Okay, this is weird, right?" Nino asked, looking around. "Since when did you two become telepathic?"

Adrien and Marinette exchanged knowing looks. Years of partnership added to years of friendship had allowed them to communicate just through body language, plus the added benefit of discussing plans beforehand.

"We're not." Marinette said.

"We just know each other so well we can finish each other's sentences."

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now