Adrien the Fragrance

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Ooooo, I'm so excited for this prompt! I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but I have a feeling it will be a lot of fun. Vote and comment if you liked it!                                                                                                                    -Colorado


There were a couple of times in his life that Adrien really hated being famous.

Like when he had to get up at five in the morning for a photoshoot. Or when his father had refused to put him in school. Or when he had to put on a facade all the time just so he could be presentable for the Gabriel brand. Or when he had to attend boring parties with people who were just as fake as Lila's vacations.

Alright, so maybe there were a lot of times when Adrien really hated being famous, but this morning really had to take the cake.

"I can't believe this!" Plagg cackled, floating out of his shirt.

"Oh my God. It really is you, isn't it?"

Adrien let out a sigh.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Out of all the things!" Plagg continued to laugh. "You really have your work cut out for you kid?"

"Just, go and find some camembert." Adrien shook his head before turning to the person in front of him. "Come on, it's obvious we have a lot to talk about."

Okay, rewind.

It had all started this morning when Adrien had gotten called into his fathers office. More often than not, this wasn't a good thing. Adrien figured that he had made another minuscule mistake that made his father upset. After all, whenever he was called into his father's office it was either because he was in trouble or because there was a new opportunity.

For a split second, Adrien was relieved it was the latter today. That feeling quickly disappeared when he heard what his father had in store. 

"What?" Adrien asked his father, not sure if he heard him correctly.

"I said, your team had come up with a new cologne, and to boost sales I need you wearing it a month before the release."

"But, why didn't I hear about this earlier?" Adrien tried to keep any sign of indignation out of his voice, otherwise he'd never hear the end of it.

"I didn't think that it was necessary." His father waved.

"I see."

"Well, here is the cologne." Gabriel opened a drawer and pushed a bottle towards Adrien. "Go and put some on before going to school."

"Yes father." Adrien said, taking the bottle and pocketing it before heading back to his room.

"You think this is going to smell just as radiant, carefree, and dreamy as the last one?" Plagg snickered.

"You like the smell of camembert and dirty socks, you don't get to talk." Adrien shot him a glare before uncapping the bottle and sniffing it. "Gck."

It wasn't that the cologne smelled bad, but it was far too strong for his liking. What was his father wanting? For people to smell him before he saw him? Actually, maybe that was what his father was going for. His presence would be more noticeable that way.

Adrien let out another long sigh and held the bottle to his wrists where he tried to control the amount that came out. Of course, he failed miserably. Great, just great. Now for the entire day he'd be smelling like wood and jasmine all day.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now