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Oh, I've been waiting for this prompt! I have a very clear idea about what I want to do and I'm so happy I can finally put that on paper! Also, yes, another late update because today was very busy. Sorry about that, but today's one-shot is finally here! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                                         -Colorado


"Alright, the movie is loaded, the popcorn is buttered, and the root beer floats are prepared." Adrien reported, carrying a tray full of snacks back to his couch.

"Thanks, Adrien! This looks great." Marinette said, licking her lips.

"Thank my private chef, she was the one who prepared all of the snacks." He settled down next to her.

"We have pastries too?" Marinette grinned. "She's spoiling us."

"I may have bribed her." He said sheepishly.

"Ah, that explains it."

"She's also currently preparing the pizzas."

"Wow, you really didn't hold back, huh?"

"Mari, we're finally doing our long awaited Disney Renaissance binge session. Of course I'm going to go all out."

It was ironic, really. Marinette had tried for over a year to ask Adrien out to the movies and had failed every, single, time. Now, a year and a half later, here she was, sitting on his couch as the opening credits to The Little Mermaid played.

The only difference was the actual movie.

She was still head over heels for the boy, yet he remained oblivious. She was still failing miserably at becoming anything more than friends.

Although, at least this time they were that. Last time they were on the edge of acquaintances and friends before Marinette made an attempt to get over him. Now, however? They were able to connect and talk without Alya or Nino or someone balancing them out.

"I'm really excited." Adrien said as the opening scene began to play.

"Me, too."

"I've actually never done something like this before." He said nervously.

"You've never binged a movie series before?" Marinette asked, flabbergasted.

"Well yeah, I spent a lot of my pre-teen years watching anime, but I didn't get to see it with a friend."

Fourteen year-old would've sulked in her bedroom crying about her being "just-a-friend", 16-year-old Marinette only smiled. Adrien's friends meant a lot to him and if that was the role she was meant to play, then okay.

Even if she wished for something more.

"Well, now you are. What movie are you looking forward to the most?" Marinette asked.

"While I love all Disney, I think I'm really looking forward to Hercules."

"I can see why. The songs are all amazing, plus Meg is just so sassy."

"I know right? How could someone not love her? What about you?" Adrien turned towards her.

"I've always had a soft spot for Beauty and the Beast. Something about it just makes my heart sing."

"Belle slowly falling in love with Beast, seeing a side to him he keeps hidden away for his own protection." Adrien sighed. "I definitely see the appeal."

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now