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Here we are with the second day of Adrienette April! This didn't turn out super accurate to the prompt (it was originally secret admirer),  but whatever. I like it too much to get rid of it. So now the original idea that I had you can find in my one-shots book as the Valentine's special (because I did technically write this before Valentine's) go and check that out if you're interested! It's the one-shot titled Things I'll Never Say. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                                     -Colorado


One thing that Adrien Agreste had come to terms with over the years was that he had the worst luck. He wasn't sure if it was a side effect of being Chat Noir or if life just liked to mess with him.

That was why when he learned that Ladybug was none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng, he was sure that his mind was playing tricks on him. There was no way he could be that lucky. Under no circumstances could his fantasy actually be reality.

Yet... it was.

His suspicions had started on Heroes Day. The name 'Everyday Ladybug' fit her a little bit too well. He had squashed that suspicion however, because he knew that Ladybug didn't want him to figure out her identity.

Then Kwami Buster had happened and he had felt so sure that Ladybug and Marinette were one in the same. Alas, Marinette was Multimouse, so there was no possible way for her to be Ladybug, right?

So for a while, he had forgotten all about his suspicions. Until the akuma attack where he had combined the cat and fox miraculous to create the illusion of Adrien and Chat Noir interacting with each other. That was when he realized that if he used the fox miraculous to protect his identity, so could Ladybug.

His suspicions had been confirmed when he had been trying to find an alley to transform in and had accidentally witnessed Marinette turning into Ladybug. The fact that his current crush was his first love made too much sense for Adrien to try and deny what he had seen.

Now here he was in his current dilemma.

On one hand, he was hopelessly in love with the most wonderful girl that he knew. He wanted to be hers and for her to be his so badly. He knew that he could shoot his shot, too. Marinette didn't seem to mind people thinking they were dating when they were running around from his fans, so maybe he had a chance?

On the other hand, he knew that Marinette was in love with someone else. He also knew that it wasn't Luka, because she had broken up with him, so he was left in the dark about who this mystery boy could be. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. He also didn't want to make her feel like she had to date him. If they were to become a couple, he wanted it to be because they both wanted it.

"Will you stop moping already?" Plagg complained from Adrien's couch. 

"You just don't get it, Plagg! Marinette is Ladybug! Ladybug is Marinette!" Adrien was pacing in front of him again.

"And? I don't see how this is a big deal."

"It's a huge deal, Plagg! It's the biggest deal of all time!" Adrien screeched into his hands.

"So, your lady turned out to be your Princess. I don't see why you're freaking out so much, especially when you had your suspicions." Plagg shrugged, munching on a piece of camembert.

"Fantasizing about something and having that something come true are completely different things! I mean, yeah, I wanted Ladybug to be Marinette more than I wanted her to be anyone else, but the fact that I was right." Adrien ran his hands through his hair. "It's a lot to take in." 

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now