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Kicking off Adrienette April with a bang! I absolutely adore all of the shenanigans these two could get into. I'm also a huge fan of the wlw headcanon for Kagami and Chloe and I definitely took advantage of that here. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed! Also formatting this like I did for Marichat May made me nostalgic lol.                                                                                               -Colorado


"What are you doing?" Marinette didn't need to turn around to see the smirk on his face.


"And here I thought your stalking days were over." Marinette turned to glare at her boyfriend.

"They are!"

Adrien raised an eyebrow.

"And yet, here you are."

"I'm not stalking! I just spotted them and I've only been here for a few seconds max! I swear!" She protested. Adrien shook his head, grinning.

"Alright, whatever you say."

"Come on, you can't tell me that they wouldn't be cute together!" Marinette protested.

She had been walking through one of Paris' many gardens when she had noticed two of her friends laughing together.

"Chloe and Kagami?" Adrien asked, looking at where they were talking. "I could see it."

"Now who's the stalker?" Marinette teased.

"Hey! At least I wasn't hiding behind a rose bush for who knows how long."

"I told you, it was only for a few seconds." Adrien looked at her and smirked.

"Sure it was, my sapphire."

Marinette blushed at the nickname. Even after dating him for months, she still wasn't used to his easy affection.

"It was!"

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Adrien grinned and held out his hand to her. "Now, why don't we turn this into a date?"

"That reminds me, you never did tell me what you were doing here." Marinette said, taking his hand.

"Photoshoot." Adrien shrugged.

"Really? I don't remember hearing anything about a photoshoot."

"That's because it was pretty sudden. And by pretty sudden I mean Nathalie dragged me out of bed this morning and told me to get dressed because we were heading here."

"Wow, how late were you sleeping in if you had to go to the shoot immediately? It's nearly 15:00." Marinette teased. Adrien pouted.

"I stayed up late last night okay?"

"So did I, and yet I was still up before noon." Adrien narrowed his eyes.

"Oh were you? Who are you and what have you done with Marinette? She would never wake up so early!" He accused.

"Oh hardy har." Marinette rolled her eyes, but a grin was starting to slip.

After he had asked her out, Marinette soon realized that her boyfriend was so much more of a dork than she had ever expected and she loved him even more for it.

"Seriously though, do I need to be worried about you Mare? How bad is your sleep schedule?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She said as they began to walk along the path.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now