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This could technically be a prequel to "Matchmaking", but it could also work on its own. Either way, enjoy the mutual pining! Vote and comment if you'd like! -Colorado


Adrien leaned back, his eyes closed as he took in the warm Sun. He knew he would be hearing it from Nathalie if he got burnt, but he felt as though he could risk it for a few moments.

He had finally been allowed to go on a class day trip to the beach. It had only taken a few hours of begging a promise to do more photoshoots to get him to go. Marinette, as kind as she was, had volunteered to talk to his father for him, but Adrien doubted she could get his approval twice.

"You look happy." Speaking of Marinette, Adrien peeked one eye open to look at her.

"I am happy. The Sun is warm." He said, closing his eyes again.

"I'm glad that you were able to come." Marinette said softly.

"Me too. I'm surprised my father let me after New York." He muttered.

"I'm sorry." Marinette said quietly, moving to sit down next to him.

He scooted over and patted the space next to him on the blanket. He felt her lay down next to him.

"It's really not your fault, Marinette. You can't be held accountable for super villains." He shrugged.

"Still, it's my fault that you were there. And I couldn't work up enough courage to tell you how much I wanted you to stay."

"Well, we can't dwell on the past now." He shrugged.

"I suppose so. I can still never apologize enough."

"Marinette, you can't blame yourself for not being able to catch up to the car in time. I wish I had looked out the back window so I could've seen you."

"It was a rollercoaster ride, wasn't it?" She asked.

"I'll say." Adrien muttered.

That had been the trip that he realized he was in love with Marinette, after all. Ever since she had gotten back from the trip he had sought her out at every opportunity. As a result, they had become a lot closer. So close that they were able to comfortably call themselves 'best friends' and although Adrien would love to bump that up to 'girlfriend and boyfriend', he would wait until the opportune moment to confess.

"So, are you ever going to come and join us out in the water?" She asked him after a few moments of comfortable silence. 

"Yeah, maybe. We'll see. I can't risk getting burnt you know."

"Do you burn easily?" Marinette asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'd rather not risk it, you know? One small burn is all it takes and bye-bye beach." He sighed.

"Well I burn easily, so even time I re-apply, you can." Marinette sat up. "Deal?"

He peeked one eye open to look at her. With the sun shining around her and that blinding smile, Adrien felt his heart sputter.

"D-deal." He managed to choke out.

"Great! You shouldn't miss out on a day of opportunities just because of some dumb risks." Adrien grinned and took Marinette's hand.

"Alright, my sapphire, you've convinced me."

"M-my sapphire?" She asked, her face was light pink. His face heated up as he fished for an explanation.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now