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Annnnnd we're back to fluff. There were two different routes I could've gone with this prompt. Whichever one I don't do I'll write and post to my one-shots book (eventually), so go and check that out! Still, I hope you enjoy this one! Vote and comment, I love to here your thoughts!                                                             -Colorado


"Hey, so can I ask you something completely crazy?"

"Good morning to you too, Adrien." Marinette muttered her voice muffled by the desk.

"Right, I forgot, don't talk to you before you've had your coffee. Well, it's a good thing I brought you one, right?" Adrien smirked, holding up the coffee cup.

"Oh my gosh, thank you! I love you." She whispered, although Adrien was sure she was talking to the cup.

"You're welcome, Mari. Now, back to my question?"

"Hmm?" She asked, starting to jug the drink. Adrien wrinkled his nose. For a girl so sweet, her taste in coffee was certainly strange. You would think she would love the sweeter expressos like him, but no, she just had to like it black.

"I was thinking, if you weren't too busy with everything else, we could maybe go on a..." His eyes met hers as his nerve evaporated into thin air. "Arcade night! With me! There's this new place that just opened up and we haven't hung out in so long..." He trailed off.


"Yeah! That sounds like a blast. I'll have to check my calendar, but it sounds great. A night out with you could be exactly what the doctor calls for." Marinette sighed and Adrien tried too hard to not read into her words.

"G-great! Hopefully our schedules will line-up."

"I certainly hope so." She sighed and dropped her head on his shoulders. "It's getting harder and harder to plan patrols." She said in a low voice.

"I know, but at least we can see each other now, right?"

"Yeah, we gotta look on the bright side!"

"Telling you my identity was the best decision I've ever made." She smiled.

"Good, I'm glad that you don't regret it." He said, placing his head on hers.

In the dead of night, Adrien sometimes thought that she felt like she was forced into telling him her identity. Yes, she was getting incredibly stressed out, to the point where he had to cataclysm an akuma, and yes he had wanted to know since day one, but he hoped she didn't tell him because of that. He wanted to learn because she wanted him to, not because she needed to.

"Of course not! Why would you think that mon chaton?" She asked, picking her head up from their embrace.

"Just why it happened and the whole situation and everything." He waved it off.

"Look at me Adrien," He turned towards her, drowning in her eyes. "I have never and will never regret sharing my identity with you. I thought long and hard about who I would let in on my secret, from my parents, to Alya, to Luka, but I realized that as much as I wanted them to know, I wanted you to know and for me to know you much, much more."

"Thanks Mariberry, that means a lot to me."

"Mariberry? That's new." She giggled.

"Do you like it?"

"I like all the nicknames you give me, Adri."

"Even bugaboo?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"My lips are sealed." She winked, and bumped his shoulder with hers.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now