Civilian Heroes

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This was a fun one! Also please no comments about not using pound it, I tend to use my personal preference when it comes to translations since some things are different. Anyway, I hope this makes up for yesterday's angst fest! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                         -Colorado


It was meant to be a normal day. Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette had made plans to hang out after school. It had been a long time since the four of them had gotten an opportunity to spend time together, so Marinette was looking forward to it greatly.

Of course, Alya and Nino had other plans.

Marinette wasn't sure whether it was because they were tired of her and Adrien running around in circles, or if she had begrudgingly admitted that moving on from him hadn't worked, but they had started to increase their matchmaking schemes ten-fold. It was starting to get really old. First, it was more subtle things, like leaving her and Adrien to partner up on projects. Then, they took it to the next level and created situations where more often than not, Marinette and Adrien ended up alone together. Now it seemed like any time the four of them had planned to hang out, something would come up and the two of them would cancel. 

Marinette just wished they would quit it already. Days that she could hang out with them were becoming rarer and rarer. She missed hanging out with the two of them, but apparently getting her and Adrien together took priority.

The one good thing that came out of it was her and Adrien's closeness. Since they had been forced to spend time together, Marinette had also been forced to get over her nervousness. They clicked easily and quickly became close. She was able to put her obsessive days behind her as she fell deeper and deeper in love with him.

So when Alya and Nino canceled their plans, again, Marinette was disappointed, but she wasn't freaking out.

"Well, since Alya and Nino aren't here, do you want to change up our plans a bit? Maybe do something that we wouldn't do otherwise?" Adrien asked, standing up from the park bench they were on.

"Do you have something in mind?"

"I'm surprised you haven't freaked out about it yet, sapphire." Adrien mused, grabbing a flyer out of his bag and handing it to her.

"A fashion exhibit at the Louvre?"

"Yeah. I know it wasn't Alya and Nino's thing, so I didn't mention it, but since it's going to be just us two..." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'd love to."

"Great! I'm surprised you didn't hear about it."

"I've been... busy." Marinette sighed.

Being the Guardian was taking up more and more of her time. It had been forever since she had designed something and even longer since she had sat down and played video games with her family.

"I get that, believe me. It seems that my father has doubled the amount of work I have since the new school year started."

"Tell me about it." She muttered.

"But at least we get to spend time together at school, right?" 

"Yeah, thank the Lord."

Marinette didn't know what she would do the day Ladybug got in the way of her school day. It seemed like the way things were going, that would soon be the only way she could see her friends.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now