Group Project

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Welcome to week two of Adrienette April! Aren't you proud of me for working with multiple dynamics instead of the reveal/love confession pattern I followed for Marichat May? As much as I love those types of things, it's always good to get a mixture of dynamics in! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!                                                                           -Colorado


"Finally! Everything is ready." Marinette sighed and leaned against her chaise.

"What are you working on?" Tikki asked, flying around.

"Adrien is coming over for a group project and I needed to make sure we had our materials ready."

"That was today?"

"Yep. He's supposed to be over after fencing practice."

"I'm surprised that you aren't anxiously counting down the seconds." Tikki mused. Marinette shot her kwami a glare.

"You know very well that I am officially over him."

"Yeah-huh, I'm sure that you are." Marinette could tell that Tikki didn't believe her.

"I am! My crush on him was definitely not healthy. I needed to get over it so I could become better friends with him. And honestly? His friendship has been one of the best gifts I could have ever received."

Tikki opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on her trapdoor.

"Mari? Can I come in?"

Marinette and Tikki exchanged looks.

"Yeah, sure thing Adrien."

"Hey!" He grinned as his head popped into his room. "You ready for the project?"

"Course! I have all of our materials ready to go!"

"Great! We're so lucky that we got fashion." He said as he walked over and sat down on her desk chair.

"Definitely. I was thinking we could even design a few things together? I know we have to work on our presentation and whatnot but..."

"That sounds amazing, Marinette! It would be an honor to work with you."

"I-, uh, thank you." Her face flushed from the compliment. 

"Of course! You totally deserve it."

"Seriously, how can you say things like that so easily?" She asked.

"Well, whenever something is important to say, I find the strength to say it. The things that take the most guts are always the necessary things, don't you think?"

"I suppose so." His advice sounded eerily similar to another's, but for some reason, she couldn't recall who.

"That's my philosophy, anyway."

"It's a good one to have, even if I don't know how you can pull it off."

"You just have to channel your inner Ladybug!"

"W-what's that supposed to mean?" She asked. Could Adrien possibly know her secret?

"Well, we don't call you our everyday Ladybug for nothing. Use a bit of her bravery and suddenly you find yourself doing things you never thought you would."

"Huh, I guess so." She didn't bother mentioning that she had tried that strategy half a million times to confess to him. Or that she was Ladybug in the flesh.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now