Love Rivals

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Y'all ready for some angst?


Her laugh was sweet. Sweet like cotton candy at a carnival, or an ice cream cone. Sweet like the macarons she loved to bake so much. Sweet like the strawberry lip gloss she was wearing, which he only knew because she had put some on him. Her laugh was sweet, but it wasn't for him.

"You have to be joking! There is no way that Jagged Stone gives his pet crocodile a bubble bath."

"I'm serious, Marinette! I even helped him out a few times." Luka said, grinning.

"I'm so glad that you're back, Luka, really."

Adrien watched helplessly as she leaned over and squeezed his arm.

"Thank you. Tour with my dad was amazing, but I would be lying if I said I'm not glad to be back."

"You promise that you're going to tell me all about it?"

"Of course I will Ma-Ma-Marinette."

Irrational anger rose up in the blond as he watched the guitarist say the nickname with ease. He was the one with endearing nicknames for Marinette! He was the one who was there for her when Luka went off on tour and ended their relationship! He was the one who should be sitting next to her, his arm around her, not Luka!

But... that wasn't the case. Luka was back and Adrien's time with Marinette was over. He knew it wouldn't be forever, but he had still hoped. He had wished, foolishly, that when the time came, Marinette would choose him.

It was obvious that fantasy was just that. A fantasy. Something that would never happen no matter how much he wanted it to. 

Marinette had made her choice. Now it was time for Adrien to step back and respect that. He had handled it with Ladybug, and now he would do the same with Marinette. After all, her friendship meant so much to him. There was no way that he would risk losing it over feelings.

"So, does that mean that you'll take me to the new drive-in?" Marinette smirked and Adrien felt the pit in his stomach worsen.

"Sure thing."

There was nothing he could do but watch as the woman she loved got back together with her first boyfriend. He supposed it was true what they all said, first loves never disappear. Add that onto the fact they broke up because of not wanting to do a long distance relationship instead of one or both of them losing feelings and it was pretty obvious that this was going to happen.

"Great! There's a showing of Crocodile Heart on Friday at 21:00, will that work for you?"

"You don't want to see something different? We've probably seen that movie a hundred times already." Luka chuckled.

Of course. How could Adrien forget?

That was the movie Luka and Marinette saw on their first date. Now they would be seeing it again as a new couple. How romantic.

"But I've never seen it at a drive-in before."

"Touche, I'll pick you up at 20:45, okay?"

"Sounds great!" Marinette gave him a smile that made Adrien's heart ache.

That was the smile she used to give him. If only he had realized his feelings for her sooner! If only one of her many confessions had worked out! If only she had told him about her crush on him before she got over him! If only, if only, if only. 

No, it would only be more hurtful to think about the hypotheticals.

"So, what have you been up to, Adrien?" 

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now