Coup De Foudre

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Heads up y'all! This contains MAJOR spoilers for the NYC special. Go and watch that first, then come back and read. I have wanted to do this one-shot since the NYC special came out, so I really hope I did this scene justice. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!  Also Content Warning for self-decapitating thoughts!                                                                                                                                                         -Colorado


It was raining.

Of course it was raining.

His clothes were soaked as he trudged along the streets. Wet hair was plastered to his forehead and he was shivering against the cold, but he didn't care.

It was raining and he was miserable and he didn't care.

How had things gone so wrong in such a short amount of time?

Just yesterday, he had been dancing underneath the moonlight with Marinette. Just yesterday, he had been able to taste a tiny bit of freedom. Just yesterday, he was sure that nothing would go wrong and he could enjoy his vacation to New York.

He should've known better.

He should've known that he could never have a vacation.

He should've known that he could never take a break.

Not him. Not Adrien Agreste. 

His phone buzzed in his hand, most likely Nino checking where he had been. He hadn't been seen after the attack, after all. He had just been wandering around New York aimlessly, trying to quiet down the voices in his head.

Rain slipped down his right ring finger. A right ring finger that was now void of the silver jewelry he had become so accustomed to wearing. A ring that he would never wear again. Maybe he would see it around on news broadcastings when the new Chat Noir showed up, but he would never wear it again.

How could he?

He had killed someone. Yes, maybe Ladybug had brought her back, but he had still killed someone. He did the one thing that no hero could ever do. How could he possibly ever earn the honor to wear a miraculous again?

Then, if that wasn't enough, it was his fault there was no one left in Paris to fight against the sentimonster. Undoable damage had wrecked the streets of his home, all because he decided to be selfish and take a break.

Dammit. He was such an idiot.

Why didn't he contact Ladybug?

Why the everloving hell did he go on this trip without telling her?

Had he really thought everything would be just fine?

He was Adrien Agreste, the former bearer of the black cat miraculous. The forever bearer of bad luck.

Nothing ever turned out fine for him.

Not his family, not his friendships, not even his partnership with Ladybug.

The one thing that had kept him going, even after he made his relationship status with Kagami official, was now gone. He would never be by her side again. Instead, some other boy would show up and they would be a much better pair than he and Ladybug ever were. And Ladybug would probably fall for her new partner, too. There was no way that she wouldn't, the opportunity was too good for life not to take.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now