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Here's some more domestic fluff for y'all! As the prompt suggested, we have another post-reveal, post-relationship one-shot today. I hope you all will like it! Remember to vote and comment!                                                                                                              -Colorado


It had been a long day and Adrien was exhausted. It seemed like his students had been even more rowdy today than usual. He couldn't blame them if that was the case, however, everyone was simmering in anticipation for tonight's celebration. Today was an important day for any Parisian.

Especially for him and his wife.

"Hey! You're home early." Marinette grinned, walking over to him and giving him a peck on the lips.

"Yeah, the school let everyone go because of tonight."

"Are you still feeling up to going? I wouldn't mind a quiet night in."

"Yeah, I know how much the kids have been looking forward to tonight, plus I'm sure Paris is expecting to see their favorite heroes." Adrien winked.

"Okay, just let me know if you change your mind."

"I will. And speaking of them, where are the kids?"

"Emma's up in her room getting ready and Hugo and Louis are outside." 

"She's already getting ready? The party doesn't start until 18:00."

"Shaun and Setsuko are picking her up a bit early. They want to go to dinner."

"And I'm assuming we'll meet up with her at the celebration?" Adrien said as they stepped outside where Hugo and Louis were battling with foam swords.

"Yeah. We have tickets to that Jagged Stone concert, remember?"

"And will Shaun and Setsuko join us?"

"I think everyone has tickets." Marinette smiled before raising her voice. "Hey boys, look who's home!" She called.

"Daddy!" The twins cheered in tandem, dropping the foam swords and rushing towards him.

"You're home!" Hugo said, hugging him. 

"Hey buddy, how was school?"

The eight year old grinned up at his father, his green eyes sparkling.

"We learned all about the planets today!"

"And we learned about multiplication." Louis boasted.

"Well, it sounds like the two of you both had very productive days."

"What does productive mean?" Hugo asked as Adrien lifted him up on his shoulders.

"It means you got a lot done." Marinette informed him, leaning down and wiping a bit of dirt off of Louis' cheek.

"Now, since your father is home and we have a few hours to spare, what would everyone like to do this afternoon? Remember, your sister is leaving soon and we want to be at the celebration by 18:00 sharp. Hugo and Louis, you two should both get into a bath before we leave, I don't think you want to meet Jagged Stone with dirt on your faces." Marinette chuckled as the four of them walked inside.

"I bet I can take a faster bath than you, Hu!" Louis hopped down from his mother's shoulders and took off into the hallway.

"No you can't! Maman, can you time him?" Hugo asked as they heard the bath start to run.

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now