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Oooo this is going to be a fun one (although I say that for every prompt). After all, what is an Adrienette one-shot collection without a wedding one-shot? It would be a travesty of a missed opportunity. I hope that I can do this prompt justice. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                                    -Colorado


Butterflies fluttered in Adrien's stomach as the music began to play.

This was it. This was the big day. The day he had dreamed about over and over again since he was fourteen. It looked like something out of those fantasies too. From the fairy lights strung over the venue, to the shining faces of friends and family surrounding him, to the girl who was walking down the aisle.

Marinette looked beautiful. No, beautiful was too humane of a word to describe how she looked. She looked like a goddess.

Adrien felt his breath escape him as he watched Marinette meet his eyes underneath her veil. Her eyes seemed even more captivating than usual.

"Oh God." He whispered, a grin coming over his lips and his cheeks reddening.

This was actually happening. He was actually getting married to Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

She saw his smile and grinned as well, a beautiful blush coming over her cheeks.

They had both been waiting for this for far too long. There had been many obstacles they had to work through before even getting together and after it was not smooth sailing. Secret identities, a heartbreaking reveal, so much had happened.

But it was worth it.

As he watched the love of his life walk towards him, a surge of affection rushed through his chest. That was the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. He couldn't wait for it to start. He couldn't wait until he didn't have to leave her side in the morning. When her last name would be his and he would be rid of any influence Gabriel had left. When he could wake up and be by her side.

It would be everything he ever wanted and more.

Months and months of meticulous planning had all led up to this very moment. A mix of his and Marinette's dream wedding, but the venue and food and designs didn't matter half as much to him as the girl in front of him. As long as she was the one he was marrying, this wedding would be perfect no matter what.

A strange mix of nerves and joy mingled in his stomach as Tom handed her off to him.

"Hi." She whispered giddly.

"Hi. You look absolutely gorgeous." He whispered back.

"Thank you. You look very handsome, I'm glad the suit fits."

"It's your work, of course it's going to fit, my love."

"Thank you, my prince."

The two of them turned towards the officiator, their hands holding each other like a lifeline.

"Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests, We are gathered together here to join Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste in the spiritual union of marriage." The officator started, a large grin on his face.

"This contract is not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. Please remember that love, loyalty, and understanding are the foundations of a happy and enduring home."

Adrienette April 2021Where stories live. Discover now