chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I was so worried the kids would rebel and just run from us. Well there is still a chance that might happen but for now they were still listening to Richard and I trying to explain what happened with the surrogate human. That women infuriates me, I hate her with a passion, she took the two most precious gifts I ever had away from me. I never got to see them being born, their first smile. All their first were taken from us all because she was a greedy, uncaring, nosy, hateful and worst of all a human. All she ever cared about was her money. The only reason she was excited for the twins was because she would get double the payment.

It was never the money that bothered me it was the fact she was so greedy about it. During her pregnancy she kept trying to get money from Richard or myself. She knew we were wealthy. We are very giving and caring but, we had a contract. And this human kept breaking the contract. We did not want to pay her any extra except for the twin payment. She was already getting three times the amount a normal surrogate normally gets.

One of the conditions of being our surrogate was she had to stay in our home and not leave, we were very secretive and she knew all this beforehand. We needed to keep this on the down low. But she took advantage of that situation as well. On one occasion she stole one of our cars and took it to town, she was trying to buy cigarettes, thank goodness Richard found her before she lit one up. Richard was an amazing tracker. After that event one of us stayed with her day and night and mostly it was me. Richard did have a pack to take care of after all.

She became restless. I was getting worried she was going to injure the twins. At about 6 months into the pregnancy she started to have dreams. Very vivid nightmares. I stayed with her at night while she slept. One night she woke up with a scream, it was so loud and ear piercing, birds flew from the trees, when I jumped out of my bed and ran to her she lay flat in bed, her were wide open and not blinking they were black, even the whites. I ran to the phone and called for the Doctor. I was so worried, what was going on. I was about to call Richard, but he had just run to the room as I was beginning to mind link him. Richard was woken up when he heard the scream.

After her scream it was silent in the entire home. David even came into the house to see what the problem was, he ended up standing guard outside her door. Mary and Martha were also on watch, they were waiting for the Doctor to arrive. I was pacing the floor when Martha announced the Doctor had arrived.

The Doctor told me he was worried something like this might happen. Some of the twins strength was crossing the placenta and wreaking havoc on her brain. She was in emotional distress. Her eyes were not fully black like I first thought just completely dilated, they showed no color just black irises. The Doctor gave her a sedative and told me to increase her prenatal vitamins and to keep her in bed for a week. She was weak and needed to regain her strength. I was thought she was going crazy.

The next morning, she woke up like nothing had happened. I told her what happened and that she must have had a bad dream and she was screaming in her sleep, She told me of her dream, she was in the forest and there was a full moon shining above her, she said it was so peaceful at first then there was howling, loud howling. She said the sound was coming closer and closer to her, she began running, but like most dreams no matter how fast she ran the sounds were coming closer, then like most girls she fell. She said in her dream she saw a beast, standing on two legs with a long snout and fangs with fur covering his body. She said he looked just like a werewolf the kind you see in a Hollywood film. She screamed when it growled at her, that must have been when we were woken up.

So I told her all the things the Doctor recommended to do. I told her the Doctor thought the stress of having twins was taking a toll on her body. She was not happy with this at all. She started to ask if we were going to compensate her for her inconvenience. I told her we would give her an extra thousand dollars for this week, but if the Doctor recommended more bed rest I was not going to pay any extra, this was all In the contract, she knew she might have to be on bed rest epically now that she was having our twins.

A few weeks went by and she was doing much better. The Doctor put her on limited bed rest after a few weeks. At 7 months along she was getting nosey. She started to ask me about what Richard does, and what I do. How we got all our money. I told her its not of her concern. She gave up and started to ask why we had so many wolves running in our forest surrounding our home. She was becoming obsessed with wolves. She asked if I was afraid of them. I told her 'no'. We let them be and they never wander towards our home.

But then she said she had seen David our driver walks into the forest and ten minutes later a huge gray wolf came out and walked right into his house. Davids house was a small cottage style house behind the back of our home. She was able to see his home from her window. I was beginning to think she knew he was a werewolf. I was right, cause the next thing she said to me, was she saw David walked out of his home moments later fully dressed and she never once seen him leave the forest he walked into or the wolf exit his home. Dam this human is smarter than she looked. I told her she must be mistaken and she probably tired. She agreed with me and went back to her room.

I thought she had let it all go but I was wrong. Richard was worried she might hurt the babies; I was a worried she would figure it all out. I was right she did figure it out. Apparently, she had sneaked out of the house and was peeking into Davids windows. She seen what I was worried about. She saw David shift back from a wolf to human form. David told me just as he finished his transformation he turned around and thought he saw the human. He ran outside and saw her running back to the main house.

He mind linked me and told me the human saw him change and she ran from him towards the main house. I rushed to her room to find her. She was in hysterics she was muddy and screaming in fright. I tried to calm her down, she was screaming at me Did you know David is a werewolf? Did you know they exist? Then suddenly she said Oh my god, you all are werewolves, each one of you, oh no the babies are they werewolves too? I had no time to answer her, the fear in my eyes told her everything. One of my worst fears was coming true, a human knew our secret, and she held our most precious possessions. I was afraid of what was going to happen next, I mind linked Richard and told hen She knew everything?

Before Richard got back to the room the human ran, for someone that was 7 months pregnant she could run fast, she was strong. She stole one of our cars again and took off. She was going right for a large city. We were right behind her but somehow, she got away from us. She was in a big city now, and her sent was hard to follow, humans stink and with her not in a mostly werewolf population it was hard to track her down, the stench of all the humans made it hard to find her sent. And even though Richard was an amazing tracker he could not find her. A week later we found our car, the local police notified us. We have several of our pack members hidden among the human population helping us, it was them that found our car, they had followed her sent as far as they could but lost it, she was so hard to track.

The pack Doctor that knew about her and us had a theory, he thought the twins she carried were somehow tied to her emotions and her sent was changing because of that. Richard was gone for weeks looking for her, the Doctor was with him just in case, but we never found her. We had spies in the hospitals looking for women birthing twins. We had told them she was wanted for trying to take down the alpha and she carried werewolf babies. No one suspected she was carrying our twins, they assumed she was pregnant by someone in our pack.

No word came from the hospitals, which made me think she never went to the hospital to have them. Years went by and we had no idea what happened. We did have a breakthrough after five years had passed. Some of our most trusted pack members were still serving in the police force. Just in case they came across something that would help us. One day they did. They found the body of a women that was decayed, the body was found in a forest, and hikers has spotted the remains that were emerging from the soil. The soil was eroding from the heavy rain we had during that week. Reports showed she died nearly five years ago, from internal bleeding that was caused apparently from giving birth. There was evidence of a birth, but the babies bodies were never found. We assumed she gave birth then abandoned the babies somewhere then later died from blood loss. I personally think karma bit her in the ass, for what she had done. We were going to pay her well. I have no remorse for her death. She harmed my family.

I told the twins how we looked for them in every orphanage we could find. We also investigated the foster care system. We had many private investigators looking for them as well. We used human investigators so our pack would not get to suspicious. It took us twelve years to find you, and when we did, we had to make sure you were the right children. We were shocked to find out Penny was unable to speak. But that did not change our love for you. I love them with everything I have.

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