Chapter 6

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After one of the best days, I have ever had they are going to spring bad news on us, I just knew something was going to happen.

Kids I have something important to tell you and I dont want you to be upset, and please here me out before you get mad at us Mrs. Carter was looking worried, like we might attack her or something when she give us this bad news. I gave a look of unknowing to Jacob and he returns the look back to me. We have no idea what the Carters are going to lay on us?

You cannot have a birthday party Mr. Carter blurted out with a hint of uneasiness.

What Richard means to say, we wont be celebrating your birthday on that day. We will celebrate it a few days later. Mrs. Carter tried to explain.

Was that all, oh my goodness, she had me worried. I told Jacob through our minds.

Was this all, I thought you might be giving us back to social services, and you did not want us anymore. Jacob was as worried as I was.

What? Oh no, I dont want to give you up, youre going to be with us forever if you want to stay, with us, that is? You do want to stay, dont you? Mrs. Carter was clearly afraid.

What no, we love it here Jacob said just as I said the same thing to him in his mind. Mrs. Carter had a look of relief on her face.

Oh, Richard can't we tell them yet?' Joann said using her mind link with her husband No, I dont think now is the right time lets wait till the night of their birthday. He silently replied to her. Living with the Carters has been the best thing for Jacob and I. We are no longer abused by our old foster parents, we will be going to a wonderful new school soon, and I really do think they love us.

So, why cant we have a birthday party, well other than the fact we dont know anyone, whats the big deal? Jacob suddenly asked.

Oh, well its because something might happen that night and we just need to make sure you will be safe. Once again Mrs. Carter was looking uneasy as she spoke, and Mr. Carter shifted in his seat. I was getting worried myself, what does she mean by something might happen?

Jacob whats going on? I asked him. I dont know, I will find out though. He was speaking with protectiveness in his voice in my mind. Mrs. Carter was watching us. I could tell, Since I dont talk, I have gotten very used to observing my surroundings and decoding facial expressions.

Mrs. Carter whats going on, what might happen on our birthday? We need answers NOW, Penny is very worried, and I dont like whats going on here. Jacob spoke in a tone that scared me. He was using an authoritative tone. Richard help! He just used a command on me! What do I do? Joann asked Richard in a split second plea. He is the one. Oh my god! Its starting already, you can tell them, we must. It is only fare now. Richard said and he knew his authority was coming to an end. We did not know it yet, but Jacob just gave his first Alpha command.

Ok Jacob, I have a lot of explaining to do, but hear me out before you get upset or not believe me. Mrs. Carter was going to tell us everything. She paused before talking again.

Alright, I will start to explain everything, do you know what a shifter is, or in another term, werewolves? She was asking Jacob. I frowned and look over at my brother, Whats going on I asked him?

Let her finish. He told me rather he yelled towards me. I never seen my brother so upset, he is normally an easy-going guy.

Yes, we all have seen the movies or read a book with them, Continue, NOW Jacob was mad, he yelled at the end of what he said.

I am, calm down please. Mrs. Carter was shaking now, and Mr. Carter placed a hand over hers, giving her a nod to continue, while he stayed silent. She started up again, I knew this was going to be long winded I could tell.

Well myself and Richard. She paused Well we are werewolves. In fact, our entire family is. That is why you have never met anyone yet, well so far. We needed to make sure you would fit in, make sure you are one of us, you hopefully will shift for the very first time on your sixteenth birthday. She took a long breath and continued And we know all this because Im your real mom, Richard and I, I mean we are your parents, your biological parents, so you are just like us. Mrs. Carter blurted this all out so fast, all I heard was, werewolves, shift, birthday and parents. Oh, Im so confused right now, What is she trying to say Jacob?

What, what do you mean we are werewolves, they are not real its just a story, its not possible to shift. Jacob was loud and upset and paused for a second wait what, your our birth mom, that means all this time, all this time you knew, you abandoned us, let us get abused, then you find us and not say anything, who does that, what the hell is wrong with you. Jacob all but screamed and blurted out.

This is the time I wish I could talk I need answers I need to know, and Jacob is to upset. Hes not asking the right questions. I reached over to him and took his hand.

Please calm down, we wont get to the bottom of this if your upset and getting loud. I was trying to calm him down. I'm not sure if it was even working but then he said.

Please continue, Explain everything, like how you can abandoned us, just leave us like that, and how do we even know what you say is true?

First off I never abandoned you both, you were taken from us, and second I know you are my children because over a year ago I took some hair from your brushes and had it tested, you are 99.9% ours, you are my babies, there is no doubt in that, And we love you! Mrs. Carter was crying now, and Mr. Carter was now sitting even closer to her with his arm over her shoulders, trying to comfort his wife. With one hand he was gently rubbing her back and the other was in her lap holding her hand, and it look like he was holding it tightly. He remained silent the entire time, does he not have anything to add?

I was wondering how we were taken, and whats the deal with the werewolves, what was that supposed to mean. I was crying now as well and mouthing 'mom' over and over, no sound was coming out, but you can clearly see me trying to say mom. She grabbed my hand with her free one and gave it a gentle squeeze and shook her head yes Its true, Im your real mom. She tried to reassure me. I have a mom, I was upset, and happy and confused and sad and just about any emotion I could think of, I was feeling all of them at the same time.

Jacob are you alright sweetheart? I have more to tell, this is just the beginning. I need to explain everything. Mrs. Carter was talking in a low voice trying to gain trust with Jacob. Jacob leaned back in his chair and nodded yes, but his eyes were dark, and his emotions were cold. Jacob had always held resentment towards our birth mom. He hated her, how could a mother just drop off newborn twins, we were left abandoned at a pizza shop for Christ sake. We were not even taken to a hospital it was a pizza shop, left in a basket with a note. What kind of mother does that? Because of her we had nasty childhood, with abuse and neglect. He took the role of protector over me, as soon as he was big enough and could talk, he helped me. He was always there for me, where was our mommy this entire time. She better have a good explanation.

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