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"Where is he?" I asked, storming into the hospital. "Ms. McCall?" I walked up to her. "What happened to him? Is he- "

"He's right through here," she responded, walking me to a separate room. "I sure am doing a lot for you kids."

"Thanks," I nodded to her and entered the room. I walked in and found Alex whose limbs did not look right. He also had blood on his face, dripping down.

"Oh, God," I breathed out. "Let me - let me see."

I touched his leg, mending his fractured bones. "Are you not healing?" I questioned.

"I am," he nodded. "Slowly, however. Very slowly."

"Alex... " I trailed off. I found a bullet wound. "Iron... "

"Who the hell would cause a pileup?" Alex questioned, groaning.

"An evil Darach or Alpha werewolves... or the Argents." I went to his other arm to mend his broken bone. "Alex, I'm gonna have to get Ms. McCall and ask her to remove the bullet herself, okay?"

He nodded. I finished mending his other bone. I let him test it out before I ran back out. I ran into the hall of the front desk and Scott looked up at me from beside a lady.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"What do you think I'm doing here?" I acknowledged. I looked around for his mother. "Alex got injured and was shot. He can't heal with the bullet still in him. Where's your mom?"

"Help!" I looked behind Scott and Ethan was holding up Danny. "Somebody help!"

I rushed towards them, assisting Danny. Ms. McCall walked in and found us so she led us to one part of the waiting room.

"Okay, gentle! Gentle! Gentle!"

"What did you do to him?" Scott asked, angry.

"Nothing! He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it just kept getting worse... " he trailed off. He was genuinely worried.

"This is not good," Ms. McCall stated. "His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax."

"Let me see- "

"Sorry, but I don't think any, you know, will help him," Ms. McCall told me sadly. "Unless you can move it, I don't- "

Danny threw up. It looked different though. Not the normal food in the bile, but bead-looking things and leaves.

"Mistletoe." I looked at Ethan questionably.

"Can you two please go back to the waiting room?" she asked us as we followed them.

"Where are the nurses and doctors? Where is everyone?" Ethan asked.

"It's a full house tonight - they're tending to other patients," she explained.

"Sorry, Ms. McCall, but Alex has a gunshot wound," I told her. "He can't heal when it's still in him."

"Can't he take it out himself?" she asked. She exhaled. "Sorry, that was insensitive. I got patients this way and that way- "

"Okay, well," Scott began. "Mom, how can we help?"

"Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so- "

"He's gonna die, isn't he?" Scott asked, a grim look on his face.

"No. No, he's not," she said. She had an idea. "Scott, you grab the tape. You, grab those scissors and cut his shirt open. Lucy, go get your brother. I'll take the bullet out here."

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