The Alliance Chapter 21- Expect the Unexpected

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The Alliance Chapter 21- Expect the Unexpected

Stop blushing, god Trinity get yourself together it’s a guy -just a guy. After I was done being caught off guard I looked over at Ambrose he seemed completely oblivious to me which was the last reaction I thought he would have after everything I’ve done. Don’t get me wrong Perseus was nice to look at and I was going to have fun flirting with him to piss off Ambrose but what fun would it be if Ambrose didn’t pay attention to it. Maybe he really didn’t care to have anything to do with me after all he walked out on me that night only saying “Okay” to my threat. Here I am thinking he said it because he was calling my bluff but what if he was into Violet  or even worse a thought drifted into my head and stuck there like glue what if the only reason he ever felt anything for me was because I’m Kassandra’s reincarnation. Before we kissed maybe it was just curiosity pulling at him if I was enough like her to make him happy but when he said he wasn’t over Kassandra maybe he realized we really are two different people and he doesn’t want me anymore.

My stomach started knot , I felt so stupid that had to be it. The bullshit excuse about trying to protect me by keeping me at arms length maybe he just didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I felt my eyes start to sting a little, how the heck could I get so sentimental over nothing. That’s exactly what Ambrose was to me- nothing.  I was quickly snapped out of my daze not even realizing I was already sitting at the dinning table with everyone else.

“Hey Trinity, you alright?” It was Basil sitting next to me as she nudged over to make sure I was fine.

“Uh yeah just got lost in my thoughts that’s all.” I grabbed my glass of water to take a sip.

“ I wonder what could possibly be occupying those thoughts?” Anna joked a few seats away knowing full well I and everyone else at the table could hear what she said.

I started to blush a little when Basil decided to add her thoughts to it. “ I bet I can take a guess.” She giggled being joined by Anna earning them both a warning glare from me, I was less than amused to say the least.

Ambrose dropped his fork , I turned to look when I heard it clash with the glass plate. I don’t think he meant to draw attention to himself but regardless he did. That’s when I noticed he was eating a raw steak. I looked at it in wonder as I cocked my head to the side. I’ve never actually seen a vampire eat food, this was groundbreaking.

“What?” Ambrose snapped at me, I was taken a back slightly there was no need for his lack of hospitality.

“I- I’ve just never seen a vampire eat before.” I added feeling stupid for even saying that.

Ambrose took notice of his hostility as the expression on his face softened before letting out a laugh. “ Did you expect us to have a head sitting on a plate for us to dine?”

The thought grossed me out and Basil looked unsettled as her eyes bulged out. I looked over at her. “ He’s just kidding.”  I looked over at Ambrose scornfully.

“ Vampires don’t eat flesh ,that job is left up to the zombies.” Perseus teased lightly.

I wanted to laugh but found myself rolling my eyes. Poor Basil was so unaware of the world that I don’t think she knew what to believe.

I shifted my eyes over to Dalton who hadn’t raised his eyes even once from his plate, he was normally pretty chummy but this was unlike him. I didn’t mean to upset him , I didn’t really take into consideration that this would break his heart too. I wanted to talk to him but I would make a note doing that after dinner. My attention was brought over to Basil’s Grandmother who was at first making small talk with Violet and Emmaline. The bits and parts I overheard had something to do with a spell to find Prudence.

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