Twisted reality hopeless insanity, I told you I was okay but I was lying

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Teddy's POV:

I'm so anxious and somehow so mad. I'm anxious about operating on Henry and I'm mad at Owen. Actually that's false, I'm mad at myself as well. I'm mad that I never acted on my feelings for Henry when we were married, I'm mad that I'm disappointing Owen, I'm mad that I'm emotionally stuck between two men. But I'm mostly mad because I know that at the end of this, someone's gonna get hurt. I will be the one to hurt them, and I hate it, but it's inevitable. 

*beep beep* my pager went off, it's time for Henry's surgery.

When I get to the OR, I pull one of the scrub nurses aside. ''Could you please do me a favour?''

''Sure.'' The nurse replied willingly.

''Could you please make sure the patient is under before I come into the OR, I don't really want to speak with him.''

''Sure I can do that, but can I ask.. why?'' 

''He's my ex-husband and it's really complicated and I don't wanna talk about it.''

''Okay sure. I'll get it done.''

''Thanks.'' I concluded before walking into the scrub room, beginning cleaning my hands and putting my mask and apron on. I walk into the OR after he is under and take a deep breathe before I start.

''10-blade please bokhee.''

-- (30 min interval)

''Suction.'' I decided to keep Henry's face draped for 2 reasons. One, so I wouldn't get distracted and two, so Cristina doesn't realise and start interrogating me about him. Turns out the draping didn't help with either, I'm slightly distracted by the fact that I'm cutting into my ex-husband, and I think I just noticed Cristina catch a glimpse of his face. Wonderful.

''Dr. Altman?''

''Yes Yang.''

''Umm are we elbow deep in your ex-husbands chest right now or am I hallucinating.'' I sighed, she knows. Damnit. 

''Yep, we sure are.''

''And you didn't think to uh.. mention that?!''

''Why would I mention it?''

''Oh I don't know- maybe because he's your ex!''

''What does that matter?''

''Well it clearly does matter considering you have his face draped. Why?''

''What do you mean why?''

''Why do you have his face draped?!''

''Because I don't wanna look at his face, alright!''


''Because I still love him okay?! And it's weird to look down and see ex unconscious on a table while your hands are in his body cavity.''

''You love him? But you're with Owen!''

''I don't know if I can be with Owen anymore, regardless of what happens with Henry.''

''What? Why what's wrong?''

''Okay, be honest. Did he ever pressure you to have kids?''

''Yes! All the time, and when I got pregnant and had an abortion he got so mad at me.''

''Yeah well he's pressuring me too.''

''I'm actually so sorry, and I mean it. I hated it when he shamed me on what I wanted to do with my body!''

''Right! Like it's not his decision! It's my uterus, my rules.''

''Exactly! Like of course he should have a say but he shouldn't have gotten angry at you.''

''What exactly did he say to you when you got an abortion?''

''He said, and I quote, 'You killed our baby!'.'' 


''Yep. And the worst part is that he knew I never wanted kids.''

''Wow, why did I waste so many years dwelling over this man. The man that chose me FOURTH!''

''So what are you going to do?''

''Break up with him. I can't do this anymore. It's toxic, we are in a toxic relationship.'' I said while removing the tumour from Henry. 

''Go girl!''

''Wow I was expecting a lot more judgement from you Cristina, I'm impressed.''

''I know right, usually I would have judged you more, but I can actually see where you're coming from and I feel bad for you.''

''I now understand why he can never stay in the same relationship, his expectations of other people are way too high.''

''No, no. He will literally date anyone and then expect them to want what he wants. He meets someone, marries them, then discusses kids and other important topics after the fact. Then they don't see eye to eye and they divorce.''

''Couldn't have said it better myself.''

''Alright, surgery is all done!''

''Yep! Good job Cristina, nice chat as well.''

''Yeah yeah, but what are you going to do about Henry now, I mean you have to talk to him once he wakes up!''

''Yeah, and say what! 'Hey I'm still in love with you, and I hope you are too, but I'm kinda with someone else right now but i'm gonna break up with him, then we can be together forever and live happily ever after!' ''

''Not in so many words, no. Maybe something along the lines of 'Hey, I know we used to be married and all but I'd really like to get to know you better again.' That's a bit better don't ya think?''

''No it's cheesy and awkward!''

''Fine then just make it up on the spot, you'll think of something!''

''No I won't!''

''Please, you are the queen or rambling. Actually, I lie, The grey sisters are the queens of rambling, but you do come a close second.''

''Ha ha very funny.'' I replied apathetically. ''I just wish he didn't have this stupid tumour disease you know? Like, it would be so much less complicated without it.''

''Yeah, I get that.''

''Maybe I should research it more, even start a clinical trial!''

''You could but he may think you feel sorry for him-''

''But I do! I wish he could live a normal life, with me...''

''Just make sure you ask him about it.''

''Okay I will but I am determined to do this, I am going to find a treatment for it, something to help him live a normal life expectancy.''


Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed the Owen slander and I accidentally got a bit carried away with the whole abortion life vs choice stuff but anyways. Also sorry this is a bit short, it's also a pretty boring filler chapter so dont get mad at me... Please vote and comment xx 

Also, THANK YOU FOR 2.6K holy shit! I never would have ever thought it would get this many reads!

Shout out to these people for commenting and voting a lot:



u guys are hilarious and ur stories on ur page are so good as well, highly recommend !!!

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