Just like the day that I met you, the day I thought forever

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A/N: OMG GUYS LEXIE IS COMING TO THE BEACH!!! I'm so excited for this weeks episode its not even funny! Anyway, please enjoy this chapter and don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!! Also sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I had a massive assignment due yesterday and of course, I left it to the absolute last minute. xoxo 

Teddy's POV

*Teddy and Henry never expressed their love for each other, they just divorced when he didn't need the insurance anymore*

Owen keeps mentioning to me that he wants another kid. We're not even married and we already have one kid, Leo. I don't think I'm mentally ready for another kid, not yet anyway. Ever since I was younger, in my 20's, I have always thought that I was in love with Owen. I always hoped that someday he would pick me, that he would choose me, love me, but he never did, not until recently anyway. And all that waiting around for him forced me to try and move on, and I had... tried. And then I met Henry, and guy who married me for my health insurance. At first, I wasn't too fond of him, although I've always thought he was attractive. And then we spent more time together and I'm starting to realise that I think I fell in love with him. Looking back on our relationship, he was funny, kind, subtly loving... did I mention funny. He changed my life and I never even told him. 

My one big regret was not telling him how I felt, it would have changed everything. We never would have divorced, maybe we would have had an actual wedding... even kids. I never would have ended up with Owen, which is surprising since I've wanted him since we were younger. Sometimes I secretly wish that Henry would contact me, say hello or something, but he hasn't and he probably won't. Of course I love Owen, but the fact that he made me wait so long and that he chose so many other women before me makes me feel really devalued and irrelevant. I feel like his sloppy seconds, actually I would be his third wife and fourth fiancé. 

''Teddy, can we talk?''

''Yeah, what's up? Is Leo alright?''

''Yeah yeah he's fine, it's actually to do with us.''

''Oh okay, what's going on?''

''I've been thinking lately, and I really want to have another baby.''

''Owen we've talked about this, I'm not ready!''

''Why not! Why aren't you ready?''

''I don't know! I'm just not okay! It's my body!''

''But I should get a say in this as well, the child is half mine too!''

''Yes but you're not the one carrying it around for 9 months and then pushing it out of your body are you?''

''No I guess not, but it's still my DNA!''

''It doesn't matter because there is no child unless I say so! I get the final say in this because it's my body.''

''Okay now you're just making excuses, what's the real reason?!''

''That is the real reason!''

''No it's not!''

''Owen, we're not even married, we're not even engaged! Plus we already have Leo, can't we just wait?''

''So what if we're not married.. or engaged for that matter? How does it make a difference?''

''It just does, okay!''

''You're still not telling me the real reason, you're holding something back!''

''No I'm not!''

''Yes you are!''

''No I am not!''

''You are, I can tell.''

''Okay maybe I am.''

''What is it Teddy?''

''Maybe it's the fact that I've loved you forever, and you were too blind to even see it, so you go and propose to Beth, almost get married and then you break up. You gave me hope when you called and asked me to work at Grey Sloan with you! And then You dated and married Cristina, then you divorced and I got hope again! But then you squashed it when you married Amelia! And then finally you leave her for me! I've always felt like a second choice, actually a fourth choice, and now all of a sudden you're pressuring me to have kids with you! Just slow down Owen, I don't even know If I'm in love with you!-'' Oops, I was NOT supposed to say that last sentence out loud.

''What! You're not in love with me?!''

''I don't know okay! Considering I've been your last choice your whole life you should be glad I'm even with you at all, most women would have moved on years ago, but here I am, giving it a go for your sake! Just give me a fucking break!''

''Teddy I didn't know you were in love with me!''

''Well then you're an oblivious, blind idiot because it's been pretty obvious. Everyone used to always ask if we were a couple, but you would always brush it off, not even considering the option. So no Owen, I do not know what I feel for you!''

''How dare you call me an idiot!''

''Well you are one, especially right now!''

''Well you know what, at least I know that I love you!''

''I know Owen, I know! But I don't know if I love you.''

''What, are you in love with someone else then?''

''Maybe, I don't know!''


''Henry for god sakes Owen. I think I still love him!''

''But that was only for the insurance, you never loved him.''

''I did, but you were just an oblivious, blind IDIOT and didn't realise!''

''Hr's not even here anymore, he's off god knows where with god knows who!''

''I can't do this anymore Owen, I can't yell and fight anymore!'' I'm going to stay at the hospital tonight.''



That was one of the worst fights I've ever had with Owen, but it's true. I think I'm still in love with Henry and I need to tell him somehow. I'm staying in an on-call room tonight because I can't bear the thought of sleeping under the same roof as a man who treats me like a fourth choice, it's disgusting and he needs to sort himself out, be single for a while. That's it, I'm breaking up with him, WE ARE OVER and I'm telling him tomorrow. Just as my head it's the pillow my pager goes off, a patient with rare genetic condition called Von Hippel-Lindau disease has been admitted and needs a consult. Funny, that's the exact same condition Henry had. 

''Hi how are you today? I'm Dr. Altman and I'll be the surgeon taking out your tumours.'' I said without even looking up. And then he speaks.

''Teddy?!'' I look up and I see Henry.

''Henry?! What are you doing here!''

''I needed more tumours removed, I kinda used it as an excuse to see you...''

''How have you been? Good, happy?'' I said as I sat down in the bed next to him. 

''I guess so, but I'm just missing something.'' And then he looked into my eyes and pushed my hair behind my ear. For a second I thought he was going to kiss me, which I secretly wish he had, but he did stare into my eyes for a long period of time until we we're interrupted by Meredith. 

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