I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love

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Jo's POV

''Okay so here's the envelope with the gender.'' I said as I handed the document to Teddy. Teddy is  organising my gender reveal/pregnancy reveal.

''Thanks. So the invite is gonna say that it's you and Alex's anniversary and you want to have a small party.'' Teddy said.

''Ok that's perfect. So who have you sent invites too?''

''The Grey-Shepherds, the Sloans, Amelia and Link, Jackson and April, Owen, Cristina, Callie and Arizona and the two new doctors Sloan and Gilbert.''

''The new doctors?''

''Yeah, they're really nice and I thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know them better. Also, Elena is Marks sister so it felt wrong not to invite her.''

''Alright that's fine. So that's everyone?''

''Oh, I forgot! I did invite George and Levi but they're busy. They sent a card but I'll have to give it to you later as I told them the gender and it might be written in the card.''

''Oh all good. I'm so excited I don't know if I can wait until next week.''

''Trust me, I'm excited too. You don't understand how much planning this has helped me distract myself. I've hardly thought about the... 'you know whos'... all week!'' Teddy whispered the 'you know whos' phrase while looking around incase Owen or Henry were lingering.

''Well I'm glad, but you know Teddy you can't avoid them forever, you're going to have to make a decision.''

''I know, I know. I've given it some thought and... I think I'm gonna try again with Henry.''

''Really! So you and Owen are done?!'' I asked sounding a little happier than I should have.

''Yeah I think so, I'll talk to him today.''

''I think you're doing the right thing Teddy.''

''I hope so.'' I softly smiled before turning the other direction to go find Owen. 

Jo hasn't told anybody about the pregnancy, just me. She's starting to show a lot more but she's just been wearing bigger scrubs, jackets and even handbags in an attempt to hide her bump. She thought it would be better for everyone if she kept it a secret, with Meredith and Derek becoming co-chiefs, Mark and Lexie having a baby, Marks sister coming and a new plastics attending, she figured it would be simpler to let the other drama die down a bit. Everything has settled a bit and she can't hide it any longer. I can tell people are suspicious and it's getting harder and harder to keep the secret with every dat that passes. It's taking all of my willpower not to just blurt it out to everyone, but I'm planning the most perfect announcement/gender reveal. Anyway, enough about the gender reveal... I need to find Owen. 

''Owen!'' I spot his ginger hair down the hall and call out his name. He turns to face me and starts walking towards me. He walks into the closest on call room indicating for me to follow. After I close and lock, something many doctors forget to do in this hospital, the door I see Owen sitting on the bed crouching over with his legs off the edge, elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He's obviously annoyed and upset with me, but I'm about to break his heart. See this is the part I hate, hurting someone. But either way someone was going to get hurt, it just happens to be Owen. 

''Owen I-''

''No Teddy, let me say something. I'm sorry for the way I've spoken to you these last few weeks, it was un-called for and it won't happen again.''

''Damn right it won't.'' I crossed my arms.

''But to be honest with you, you've given me every reason to be mad and annoyed with you.''

''That's not an excuse for you trying to manipulate me into marriage and kids.''

''I did not try and manipulate you! I simply brought up the topic.''

''You made it seem like I didn't have another option, it's a form of manipulation.''

''Well I'm sorry you saw it that way.''

''Yeah well so am I.'' I said now sitting down on a seperate bed for him.

''So... Henry.'' Owen said leaving opportunity for the topic to be discussed.

''What about him?'' I'm starting to ge slightly annoyed now. I know the conversation we're going to have and we've already had it several times before. 

''You're in love with him?'' All there was was silence. ''I see.'' he continued disappointedly. 

''Owen I can't do this anymore. I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you.''

''Yeah well ya did.'' He said with a half smile that lasted a millisecond. We both sat in silence while looking at the ground.

''Please, let's not let this affect our work.'' I said while standing up getting ready to leave the room.

''No promises.'' He said as he looked up and straight in my eye. Is he really going to be that unprofessional and let a breakup get in the way of our job? Knowing him he'll shut me out completely, only talk to me when he's required to, won't say a word to me in the OR. He loves the silent treatment, that's his favourite punishment. Actually I lie, his favourite is public embarrassment. He will announce it, discretely or indiscreetly, to the entire staff and have everyone gang up on me. I will not allow for that to happen, the heart wants who it wants and I can't change who I'm in love with. Now I need to try and get closer to Henry, I will not let this breakup be a waste. I'm very in love with Henry and I need to tell him before it's too late. I also need to start researching his disease, maybe get him into a clinical trial. Maybe I should start a clinical trial! Either way, I need to find a way for him to live a normal life expectancy, I need a full life with him, I've already wasted so much time. I'm going to start by inviting him to Jo's party as my 'date'. It's going to be super awkward having both Owen and Henry there but oh well.


I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been so busy and I have an assignment due next week that I'm no where near finished. I will try update again tomorrow but no promises, please be patient. THANKS FOR 3.1K i appreciate you guys so much! Please VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

ps. I also didn't proof read this so if the grammar and spelling is crappy im sorry lol 😭

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