Good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me

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A/N: sorry if this has typos or is badly written. I can't see very well cuz ive been crying for the past 3 hours because ive had a HORRIBLE day but, oh well. I put my blue light glasses on halfway thru so hopefully that helps. so pls dont judge my spelling or grammar xx

Meredith's POV

I opened my eyes as the bright morning sun shone through the blinds. It was one of the only sunny days in Seattle and I had surgeries all day starting from 10 am. My feet hit the chilly wood floors, it may be sunny but it certainly wasn't warm. I grabbed the closest jumper which happened to be Dereks and made my way down the creaky stairs. Silence filled the house with only bird song filling the atmosphere around me. I grabbed a pan, attempted to make pancake batter, and poured somewhat round circles of batter onto the hot surface. They cooked, I burnt a few, but eventually there were enough for all of us. The kids would smell the delicious vapour of butter and maple syrup in a few seconds and start flying down the stairs. Within seconds I heard the rumble of children's feet pounding down the stairs and sliding around the corner into the kitchen. They sat down and impatiently guzzled down the glass of orange juice I poured for them while they waited for me to finish preparing the pancakes. I passed over their plates and within minutes the pancakes were no more. They thanked me, gave me a hug and then quickly dashed upstairs to get ready for school. 

Derek must have heard all the commotion downstairs as I saw his fit figure walk sleepily down the stairs. He got home late last night so I let him sleep in. He made his way over to the kitchen, not stopping at the table but walking straight to me. He slipped a hand around my waist, the other gently touched my cheek. He lifted my chin gently so that my lips pressed against his. It was an unusually passionate kiss for so early in the morning. I opened my mouth slightly allowing his tongue entry. Chills were sent through my body, as I am sure they did through his. He pulled away and stared at me with his dreamy eyes.

''Well g'morning.'' I said sweetly.

''Good morning.'' He said as his blue eyes stared into my soul, his smile warming my heart. 

''Pancakes huh?'' He questioned with a smile as he walked towards the plate of pancakes. 

''Mmhmm.'' I agreed using sounds.

''Okay, be honest, how many did you burn?'' He said with a small chuckle. I hit his arm playfully.

''Hey! Not that many.'' I lied. He gave me his 'I know you're lying' looks and I caved. ''Okay fine I burnt like 5.'' I groaned. He burst into laughter as he walked to the bin, he pushed the flap to the bin down and saw 7 burnt pancakes lying on the top of the rubbish.

''Seven?!'' He laughed as he looked up at me.

''Ugh fine! Yes, I burnt 7 pancakes, happy now.'' I rolled my eyes sarcastically and smiled.

''Meredith! We need to get you cooking lessons.. ooh maybe you can become a chef intern!'' 

''Ha ha very funny.'' I said apathetically. He sat down, ate his pancakes and we made our way upstairs. We got ready for work, drove the kids to school and made our way to the hospital. I pulled the car over to the side of the road as I lost something and couldn't find it. 

''Ugh.'' I groaned. ''I can't find my car keys!'' I complained.

''Mer, the car is running.'' Derek stated.

''Well duh, I know that. I can't find my car keys, I didn't ask if the car was running.'' She paused for a second.

''The keys are in the car, that's what makes it run!'' Derek said stating the obvious. I realised what Derek meant and just brushed it off, I was having a blonde moment. We continued our drive to work arriving shortly after. 

I could tell Derek was confused or maybe even worried the entire way to the hospital after my little moment. I'm not sure why he's worried though, I didn't almost get us run over or something! 

Lexie's POV

''Mark!'' I yelled down the hall trying to get his attention.

''Hey.'' He said with one of his cheeky grins. ''What are you doing?'' He asked.

''Not much, you?''

''I'm hiding from a nurse.'' He said randomly. 

''What! Why?'' I laughed.

''Because she keeps trying to flirt with me despite me telling her I'm not interested.'' He widened his eyes.

''Do I need to give her a piece of my mind?'' I said rather seriously but also with a smile.

''I need you to give me a piece of your mind.'' He said seductively. Of course he tried to make things sexual.

''Mark!'' I hit him on the arm and people around us started staring.

''What!?'' He acted all confused as if he didn't imply something sexual in front of everyone.

''Not here.'' I said quietly. ''So do I need to go tell her you're mine?'' I continued to conversation.

''I think you need to show me I'm yours.'' Again with the implied sexual joke.

''Mark!'' I hit him again but harder. 

''Ok sorry! But yes, you do need to go tell her I'm yours because the flirting is getting out of hand.''

''Ok I will. How should I do it? Direct or indirect?'' I asked.

''You could directly tell her to back off or, you could just kiss me in front of her. Either works.'' He said with a cheeky smirk.

''Oh my gosh, you really love the PDA don't you?''

''What can I say, I want people to know we're together.'' He said grabbing me by the waist. 

''I'm pretty sure everyone but that nurse knows we're together. She must be new or something.'' I said. 

''Oooh, I have an idea. We will walk into the hospital together with Louis, She'll see us and our son and realise that I'm off the market. That's good right?''

''Yes! Perfect!'' I said. He quickly pressed his soft lips against mine trying to limit the intensity of the PDA. The only time I've really shown public displays of affection towards Mark was when I was in my intern year and the rest of my intern class thought our relationship was fake and I was using him for surgeries, so I kissed him passionately in front of everyone. That ended the rumours and just started gossip, but hey at least they weren't rumours. 

How To Save A Life - Grey's AnatomyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora