But you're probably with that blonde girl

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*over speakers* 

''Hello cabin, hope you had an amazing flight! Welcome to Kansas, I hope you have a great time here for any tourists with us today, and for the others, welcome home. We will be landing in approximately 10 minutes so if I could ask everyone to put their seats into the upright positions and clip the food trays to the back of the chairs. Thank you everyone and have a wonderful afternoon.'' 

Alexs POV

God, I hate planes. Definitely not as much as Mer, Arizona, Derek, Lexie and Mark, but I still do hate them. I think it's the fact that I'm flying thousands of miles in the air, over water and land, and that if something were to go wrong, like it did all those years ago to my friends, I would be free falling down to the ground. I hate when I can't control things that are happening. I hate that I wouldn't be able stop the plane from falling, it it were. I hate that I can't control this Izzie situation. One of the reasons I became a doctor is because I can try my best to control what happens in that OR. I know, I know, I sound like a control freak, but it's deeper than that. I think it's because I like to look after people. It's what I do. I looked after my mom at the age of 7, I looked after Rebecca after the ferry boat crash, I looked after Izzie when she had cancer and I look after my patients. I care for people. And right now, I want to care for my wife, and the only way to do that it to get off this damn plane and get that paternity test. 

*over speaker*

''You have now arrived to Kansas Airport. Have a safe trip!''

Oh finally, I'm here. Now can these people move faster, I wanna get off this plane. It's like... 2pm and I have things to do, places to be and problems to solve. 

''Dude, can you hurry up! I have somewhere to be.'' I have no time for politeness, and these people are moving at a snails pace. 

''Woah calm down, we all have somewhere to be.'' Said the slightly overweight man standing in front of me in the line to get off them plane.

''Oh really, did you just find out that your wife and ex-wife are both pregnant at the same time, and the ex-wife may have used the embryo you fertilised when she had cancer? No didn't think so.''


''Now please, Move it!''

''Okay fine, jeez.'' 

Now to find my car, Izzie said she sent one for me. I just want to get this over and done with so I can go back to my pregnant wife. Ive been looking around aimlessly for what seemed to have been 10 minutes until i finally spot my name on a piece of paper a probably 60 year old man was holding. Anyway I get in the car and I'm told it's an hour drive from the airport. Great, I already had to fly all the way out here now I have to drive out into the middle of no where to the hospital she works at. I've been sitting in the car for about 40 minutes while the driver makes no effort to talk to me. But just as I go to say something I notice how he keeps swerving off the road a bit. I didn't think much of it until the car nose dives into a ditch. And then everything went black. 

As my eyes flutter open, I look around to see me and the driver restrained to our seats in a ditch. I must have passed out. Now I need to check if I'm injured because the shock and adrenaline is making me numb, or at least I hope it's just shock and adrenaline. It seems like I'm fine, maybe a  concussion but otherwise, I'm fine. But as for the driver, he wasn't so lucky. I need to find my phone. My hands are scrambling all over that seats trying to find my phone until it starts ringing and I found it. It was Izzie wondering where I am. 

''Alex, where the hell are you!''

''Dude, I'm in a freaking ditch.''

''You're What!''

''I'm in a ditch, the driver crashed.''

''Well are you okay!?"

''Yeah, I'm fine, but the driver seems to be in bad shape.''

''Okay well you need to call an ambulance and get to the hospital.''

''No Izzie, I'm going to call a food delivery service and order a pizza, of course I'm gonna call an ambulance!''

''Okay no need to be a smart ass.''

''There is always a need to be a smart ass. Now hurry up and get off the phone. Bye''

And then I hung up on her. God she gets on my nerves sometimes. She over-reacts so much that I can't even make a joke without her having a rage at me. This is why I love Jo. If I make a smart ass joke, she'll come back with something even funnier. We're perfect for each other, not me and Izzie. I never should have married her in the first place. None of this would be happening right now if I didn't marry her. Anyway the past is the past and there's nothing I can do to change it. But I can control the future so I'm going to call an ambulance and get this guy out of here. 

''911, what's you're emergency?''

''Hi I need an ambulance. I've been in a car crash and the driver of the vehicle is injured pretty bad.''

''Okay sir, where are you located right now?''

''I'm in a ditch off the side of the main highway just before exit 128.''

''Okay great I'll send an ambulance now. Now could you please stay on the line so I can help you look after the injured person.''

''It looks like he's got a broken femur, broken radius and ulna, massive lac to the head, will definitely need a CT, but he's breathing, and his heart rate isn't too bad. His pupils are un-even, but not fully dilated so he definitely has a brain bleed.''

''Sir, what's you're name and how do you know all that?''

''I'm doctor Alex Karev from Seattle. I'm a surgeon, I know what to do.''

''Okay thats very helpful. The ambulance will be there in about 2 minutes tops.''

''Okay thank you.''

''Thank you, but please stay on the line until they arrive. You know the protocol.''

''Yep I sure do... Okay I can hear sirens ... Oh and I can see the car. Thank you for your help''

''No worries, bye''


Hey guys! Thank you so much for 600 READS WOW! Please keep reading and voting it really helps a lot. This chapter is part 1 to 2 parts so it will be continued, but it's late at night and i'm tired and I haven't updated in ages so this is better than nothing. So thanks for coming to my TED talk. Anyway, thank you and happy reading my lovelies x

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