I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me

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Hi Guys! Please vote and comment on my chapters otherwise I won't update as often as I have been lately. It only takes a few seconds to vote and comment and it helps a lot. Anyways, happy reading my lovelies and enjoy the new characters xx

Marks POV

*Mark paged Lexie and Derek 911*

I have a SISTER??!!! How could my dad keep this from me? And from her?  I'm finally happy, I'm married to Lexie, I have a baby on the way,  have a new plastics attending and now this bombshell has been dropped an I'm left to clean up the damage.

''Derek, Lexie you're finally here!''

"Mark what's wrong?'' My wife questioned.

''Yeah, you paged us 911. What's going on?'' Derek continued. 

''Okay so I was in the ER stitching up some guys face. I think he was fishing and somehow he got the hook caught to his face, I'm not really sure, but I can go ask-''

''Mark, you rambling and stalling. Tell us what happened.'' Derek said. 

''Ok you're right. Anyway, I was stitching up his face and this girl walks up to me. She was probably in her late 20's early 30's and she asked if I was Mark Sloan-''

''And?" Lexie asked wanting me to continue. 

''And so I called Jackson over to come and finish the sutures off and then she tells me her name. H-her name is Elena. Elena S-Sloan. And she's my..... sister.'' I realised I was holding my breath so I exhaled deeply. 

''WHAT!'' Derek and Lexie said in unison. 

''Yeah. I have a sister.''

''Are you being serious right now, or did Meredith pay you to do this like I did with the kid with no ears who I paid to call you "Daddy''. Derek asked quite seriously. 

''I do remember that, and I do remember my soul leaving my body when you did that. But no, I'm not joking. I meeting her later this afternoon, you can come if you want.''

''I cannot comprehend what is happening right now. How is this even possible. Didn't your mom die when you were like 12. I'm pretty sure that's when you moved in with me.'' Derek said

''Honestly I'm not sure, I'm not sure about anything right now.'' I confessed. 

''I'll come, but if it gets too stressful I'm gonna have to leave before I go into pre-mature labour. I feel like I'm about to pop.'' Lexie giggled. She's so cute. 

''Well, please don't pop, that's never good. And also don't go into premature labour, that's never good either.'' Derek teased. 

''Oh and guess what guys. On top of all this, I've got a new plastics attending.'' I said annoyed. 

''Seriously, what's their name?'' Lexie asked.

''Dr. Stefan Gilbert. And he's not just any attending. He's co-chief of plastics with me. I have to share the crown and I'm not happy.''

''You never know, he could be really good so please, don't bite his tongue off before he has a chance to speak, otherwise you'll be forced to build him a new one.'' Lexie teased. Derek laughed a little too hard. Derek doesn't usually laugh so he must be in a good mood, or maybe he just likes watching me suffer. He's liked watching me suffer every since I slept with Addison, but he should be grateful that I did or he never would have met Meredith, and I never would have met Lexie if I didn't try and win him back. Everything happens for a reason, so maybe I should try to accept my sister, and be a good brother to her. We have no parents, so she only has me now. I guess it would be cruel to leave her out in the cold, so i'll bring her inside and she can help me light the fireplace. 

*All three of our pagers went off with a 911 message to the pit*

''Let's go, there's gotta be a mass trauma for all of us to get paged.'' Derek informed us. 

April's POV

''Okay, what do we got?''

''Four idiot men went hiking on a mountain in the middle of winter. Sever frostbite, hypothermia and a few broken bones. We've only got three of them here because the first responders are still looking for the fourth. Possible internal injures and brain trauma.'' The EMT said before walking out of the ER and back to the ambulance. 

''Okay let's move people. Mark, you asses and treat all the frostbite with the help of Avery, someone page Avery-'' I was cut off.

''No, it's alright, I'm here, I can help.'' Stefan interrupted. 

''Okay fine, you go talk with Sloan, Dr. Gilbert, is it?'' I continued.

''Yes it is.''

''Okay go.'' I finished. ''As I way saying, Sloan and Gilbert will be attending to frostbite. Torres will assess all broken bones and dislocations. Meredith will do ultrasounds for internal bleeding along with Dr. Karev, Jo Karev that is, not Alex. Shepherd will do neuro exams on all the patients and order necessary CT's. Okay let's go people, get to work.'' I finally finished and everyone rushed off to their respective trauma rooms. Just as everyone started working, the fourth hiker arrived in the ambulance. 

''What do we got?'' I asked. 

''The fourth hiker, major head trauma, severe frostbite and hypothermia.'' the EMT said as she opened the doors, but as the patient was wheeled out, that was when I noticed the massive ice pick jammed into his skull. 

''Okay, someone get Shepherd on this case and have Lexie Grey assess all the other neuro patients.-''

''I'm here, I can help! It's my first day but I'm a trauma attending.'' Elena interrupted. 

''Okay, and you are?'' April asked rather rudely as she was rushing around trying to treat this patient.

''I'm Elena Sloan.''

''Okay Dr. Sloan, help me with this patient, I'm sure the other doctors can cope with their patients, this one is gong to be the hardest.'' 

''Okay Dr. Sloan, this is Dr. Shepherd our Neuro Chief, he's helping us on this case today.''

''Wait, you're Elena Sloan?'' Derek asked surprisingly. I wonder why he sounds so shocked. 

''Yeah, and you are?'' Elena replied curiously. 

''Marks best friend, nice to meet you.'' Derek answered

''You too, but let's save the casualties for later, we have a patient to save.'' Elena continued. 

''Alright then, lets save him.'' April finished. 


Hi Guys! Please vote and comment on my chapters otherwise I won't update as often as I have been lately. It only takes a few seconds to vote and comment and it helps a lot. Anyways, happy reading my lovelies and enjoy the new characters xx

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