I'll always remember us this way

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Stefan's POV

After the other days events; Elena's husband, the fight in the rain, the wedding, I had lots of time to think. I thought back to all the opportunities Elena had to tell me about him. She could have told me the night we met, after I broke up with Katarina, at any point during all of our back and forth relationship. It was just a shock, all this important information was dumped on me so suddenly with no warning. I never expected Elena to have a husband, with all her commitment issues that was the last thing I was expecting. 

Once I learned the basis of the marriage my mind eased a little. She didn't do it because she loved him, she never loved him at all. She did it to help him make his ex girlfriend jealous, that's it. The problem was that she kept it from me. If she had told me I would have been totally fine with it, I wouldn't have given it a second thought, but then again, he also led her to believe they were divorced even though they weren't. That's not her fault. 

I hunched over as I sat on the bed of my newly bought apartment and reached for my phone on the nightstand. I grabbed it and opened the phone app, scrolled for Elena's name and after some hesitation, pressed on it. I brought the phone to my ear, with each ring I became more anxious. The ringing stopped and the line clicked. 

*on the phone*

''Hey.'' I said softly. She replied, her voice shaky from crying.

''We should talk, come to my apartment.'' I suggested gently as to not upset her more. She agreed and said she would be there in 10 minutes. 

10 minutes later a heard the sound of light knocking on the door. I quickly stood up and opened the door for her. She stared at me, eyes slightly red and puffy, and she smiled subtly. I invited her inside and we made our way to the living area. She sat down on the soft couch and I sat on a sofa chair on the other side of the room. Silence filled the room, both of us had so much to say but also so little. 

''I'm so sorry Stefan. I never meant for you to find out this way! No one was ever meant to find out.'' She said as she buried her face into her palms.

''I'm not mad, Elena. I'm just upset that you felt like you couldn't tell me. Do you not trust me or something? There were so many opportunities for you to tell me and you chose not to, there has to be a reason.''

''It's really not that deep. It just didn't feel necessary.''

''But it was! You were- are married and you didn't feel the need to tell me! I would have supported you, I never would've judged you. And I do think it is that deep. There has to be a reason for your infidelity.''

''There isn't! Stefan, you have to believe me, there is no reason. I didn't know I was still married. It was something stupid that I did in the past, something that I regret. I just didn't want to share it with you.''

''But weren't you worried that something like this would happen? That he would show up out of the blue and ruin our relationship! You didn't think of that?''

''Our relationship is ruined? You're letting him win, don't let him win. He came here for one purpose. To destroy whatever relationship I may have been in and try and win me back. Please don't let him win. I love you and- just please don't let him win.''

''What! Why are you making this into a game or-or a competition? This is not a joke. There is no winning and there is no losing. And as for our relationship being ruined, I have no clue, okay! That's up to you. It's up to you to tell me the truth about why you kept things from me. Tell me why you didn't tell me!'' I yelled slightly. We were both standing up at this point yelling at each other from opposite sides of the room. With each reply, we took a small step closer unintentionally. 

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