All my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile

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Elena's POV

''So, you guys said he fell. How far, roughly, do you think the drop was?'' Callie said with her arms crossed as she stood confidently in front of the 4 hikers. Damn, she's badass. 

''Uhhh, I don't know, probably 25-30 feet.'' Leon said uncertainly.

''30ft? Really? Wow that's funny. So you see, if he fell 30ft, he would either be dead, paralysed, or had broken every bone in his body. But, he's none of those things. He is sitting up, talking with only broken arm, leg and a head injury. So tell me the truth. What really happened?'' Callie finished. 

''I-I-I swear that's what happened.'' Harry stuttered. 

''Well, you don't seem very sure, do you. And your poor friend over here is no where near injured enough to have dropped 30ft head first onto an icepick. He should be dead, but he's not. So please, care to explain before I get the police more involved than they already are.'' Callie said as she walked up to them, still with her arms crossed staring them down.

''The police!'' Nate bud in. 

''Yes! So start talking. Now!'' Callie said as she pulled up a chair and sat down. Derek, Elena and Stefan were also in the room listening as they were all on the case as well. 

3 of the hikers looked at each other and sighed. Then Nate blurted out ''It was all my fault.''

Leon and Harry's faces grew shocked as they looked over at Nate in utter disgust as he had just threw them all under the bus. 

''It was getting dark and we were trying to hurry to the top of the mountain before it was pitch black. And then Dave (the hiker with the icepick in his head) slipped and he started to fall until I grabbed onto his hand. I could feel my grip loosening as my glove was slipping off, and that was when our hands separated and he fell. He only fell probably 6-7 feet but due to our dehydration, hypothermia, frostbite and hunger, we all thought he was dead. We climbed down to him to see if he was alive, and he was surprisingly. This is when we realised that we did not have the strength or resources to look after a guy with broken bones who would probably die so..... I picked up his icepick, I held it above my head, and I brought it down onto his head. I felt, and heard, it go into his skull, and I thought it would have been enough to kill him. There was blood everywhere so I thought it hit his brain or something. His entire body went limp and he stopped making noises. He must have only passed out, but I thought he was dead. Bu-but I promise, I only did it to try and put him out of his misery. Obviously it didn't work and I only caused him more pain.'' Nate finished. 

I looked around and all the other doctors jaws were on the floor, just like mine. We were in complete and utter shock. I don't know what we were expecting, but it wasn't that. It was horrifying. Even as a doctor who sees blood and organs every day for a living, the gory details made me want to puke. It was sick. What 'friend' hits you across the head with an icepick. Obviously not a very good one. 

''Oh my god!'' Callie said after about a minute off absolute silence. Everyone was speechless. ''I wasn't actually going to call the police, but now I have to as you just confessed to attempted murder.''

''I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that.'' I said. Someone had to say it. None us es expected this. We expected it to maybe be an attempted suicide, or maybe they were over-exaggerating the height of the drop. But not attempted murder. 

''I'll call the police.'' Derek said as he stood up and pulled his phone out of his white coat. Callie stood up and buried her face into her hands. These people tried to kill their friend. It's disturbing and I don't blame Callie for being upset. I'm upset too. At this point, tears are running down my cheeks, but I don't know if they're sad tears, shocked tears or angry tears. I decide it's probably ideal if we get them all into seperate rooms considering there is a massive legal case coming. 

''Umm- let's move them into different rooms so they can't change their story.'' I said quietly to Callie, who nodded her head in agreement. If we keep them together, they will just change the story completely to make it look like an accident, and I'm not going to let them get away with that. 

*3 hours later* 

The police finally arrived and spoke to all four hikers. All their stories correlated and it was the same one they told us, so our decision worked. The police have now charged the hikers with attempted murder. But the fourth hiker, Dave, Is in the clear. The three guilty men sustained minor injuries so they will probably be discharged tomorrow, or later this week, but Dave will need to be kept for observation for the next week or two. 

As I walk out of the cafeteria and into the hall, I bump into someone. Yep, you guessed it. Stefan. His big, muscly body collided with my small, petite figure. I backed up and went to apologise but he gave me those hunky eyes again. His eyes are burning into my soul, I can feel it. Who knew my one night stand would have such a big affect over me. I look away before people notice the eye sex going on right now. I notice Dr Torres and another blonde doctor down the hall, so I quickly step to the side and catch up to them. 

''Hey.'' I say

''Hey Sloan.'' Torres answered. 

''Hi, I'm Dr Robbins, but you can call me Arizona, I'm Callie's wife.''

''Elena Sloan, nice to meet you. How long have you guys been married?''

''Wait... Sloan? Are you related to Mark!?'' Arizona asked in a surprised, curious tone. Callie turned to look at Arizona, she developed the same face Arizona had, then looked back at me. 

''Uhhh- yeah. I'm his sister, why? Are you friends with him?'' I asked.

''Umm- YES! He's our daughters father.''

''I'm an aunt?''

''I guess so... but wait, how come we've never met you before?'' Callie asked. 

''I only just met Mark this morning. My parents- Our parents kept us a secret from each other and I'm not sure why.'' I finished. 

''Oh my god, wow! You guys look alike.'' Arizona said with a smile.

''Really? Wow.'' I said in shock. I didn't think we looked very alike, but I guess we do. 

''Oh my god, Callie.'' Arizona blurted out

''What?!'' Callie answered. 

''She's McSteamy 2.0!!" Arizona squealed.

''YES!'' Callie squealed as well.

''Um, guys. What's 'McSteamy'.'' I said using quotation marks when I said McSteamy. 

''Okay so, you know Derek right?'' Arizona asked. 

''Yeah I worked with him today.''

''Okay so, when he first came here Cristina Yang, Derek's wife Merediths best friend names him McDreamy. And when Mark came from New York to Seattle to win Derek and his friendship back, Meredith named him McSteamy. So, since you are Marks sister, you're McSteamy 2.0.'' Arizona finished. 

''Oh and Dereks sister works here too and we call her McDreamy 2.0, so you're not alone.'' Callie said. 

''Hahaha oh my god that's hilarious. But why did Mark come here to win Derek back? What happened between them?'' I asked.

''Well that my friend is a very long story. A story that needs alcohol to understand. Come to Joe's with us.'' Callie said.

''Okay sure. Tell me everything about Mark, I wanna get to know him.''

We walk out of the hospital together and walk across the street to Joe's bar. The door jingled and the noise flooded my ears, just like it did the other night when I came here. And what do you know, I look towards the bar, and Stefan is sat there, peering over his shoulder at us giving me the hunky eyes and smile. Oh my god. I've just thought of something. I'm going to call him McHunky!


Hey guys! So this chapter is a little bit longer which is good. Also THANK YOU FOR 1.2K READS! I appreciate you all so much! I hope you enjoy the nickname McHunky. This chapter was definitely more medical based which is good. Callie and Arizona have become friends with Elena. Who else do you want Elena to become friends with? Please don't forget to COMMENT AND VOTE! Anyways, Happy reading my lovelies xx

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